github Azure/azure-sdk-for-net Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions.EventHubs_5.2.0

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16 months ago

5.2.0 (2023-02-23)

Features Added

  • Added the an overload for IAsyncCollector<EventData> allowing a partition key to be specified. Because IAsyncCollector<T> is owned by the Functions runtime, this method could not be directly added. Instead, this has been implemented as an extension method within the Event Hubs extension package. Unfortunately, this knowingly makes the overload unable to be mocked.

  • Target-based scaling support has been added, allowing instances for Event Hubs-triggered Functions to more accurately calculate their scale needs and adjust more quickly as the number of events waiting to be processed changes. This will also reduce duplicate event processing as the instance count changes.

  • A new setting, UnprocessedEventThreshold has been added to help tune target-based scaling. More details can be found in the host.json documentation.

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed a bug with creation of the event processor used by the trigger, where configuring an eventHubName that does not match the one that appears as EntityPath in the connection string would throw. The behavior now follows that of other clients and gives precedence to the entity path in the connection string.

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