github Azure/azure-sdk-for-net Azure.Storage.Files.DataLake_12.22.0

latest release: Azure.Template_1.0.3-beta.4644937
one day ago

12.22.0 (2025-03-11)

Features Added

  • Includes all features from 12.22.0-beta.1
  • Added the following Client Builders: AddDataLakeServiceClient(Uri, Azure.SasCredential), AddDataLakeServiceClient(Uri, TokenCredential)

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed bug where a DataLakeServiceClient, DataLakeFileSystemClient, DataLakeDirectoryClient, DataLakeFileClient, DataLakePathClient created with a connection string with an account name specified (e.g. "AccountName=..;"), the account name was not populated on the Storage Clients if the account name was not also specified in the endpoint. (#42925)
  • Fixed bug where a DataLakeServiceClient, DataLakeFileSystemClient, DataLakeDirectoryClient, DataLakeFileClient, DataLakePathClient created with a StorageSharedKeyCredential, the account name was not populated on the Storage Clients if the account name was not also specified in the endpoint. (#42925)

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