github Azure/azure-sdk-for-net Azure.Security.KeyVault.Keys_4.3.0-beta.7

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pre-release2 years ago

4.3.0-beta.7 (2022-02-08)

Features Added

  • Added KeyReleasePolicy.Immutable property.

Breaking Changes

  • KeyRotationPolicy.ExpiresIn was changed from a TimeSpan? to a string to properly round trip. It must be an ISO 8601 duration like "P30D" for 30 days.
  • KeyRotationLifetimeAction.TimeAfterCreate and TimeBeforeExpiry were changed from a TimeSpan? to a string to properly round trip. It must be an ISO 8601 duration like "P30D" for 30 days.

Other Changes

  • KeyProperties.Version is no longer required when calling KeyClient.UpdateKeyProperties or UpdateKeyPropertiesAsync.

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