github Azure/azure-sdk-for-net Azure.Security.Attestation_1.0.0

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2 years ago

1.0.0 (2021-05-11)


  • Final changes for Azure Attestation Service for .Net, including API review feedback. Mostly code cleanups, but significant improvements to the AttestationToken class.

Breaking change

  • Clients no longer need to instantiate SecuredAttestationToken or UnsecuredAttestationToken objects to validate the token hash. All of the functionality associated with SecuredAttestationToken and UnsecuredAttestationToken has been folded into the AttestationToken class.
    As a result, the SecuredAttestationToken and UnsecuredAttestationToken types have been removed.
// The SetPolicyAsync API will create an AttestationToken signed with the TokenSigningKey to transmit the policy.
// To verify that the policy specified by the caller was received by the service inside the enclave, we
// verify that the hash of the policy document returned from the Attestation Service matches the hash
// of an attestation token created locally.
TokenSigningKey signingKey = new TokenSigningKey(<Customer provided signing key>, <Customer provided certificate>)
var policySetToken = new AttestationToken(
    BinaryData.FromObjectAsJson(new StoredAttestationPolicy { AttestationPolicy = attestationPolicy }),

using var shaHasher = SHA256Managed.Create();
byte[] attestationPolicyHash = shaHasher.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(policySetToken.Serialize()));

  • The JSON Web Token associated properties in the AttestationToken class have been converted to nullable types to allow the AttestationToken class to express JSON Web Signature objects.
  • The token validation related properties in the AttestationClientOptions class (validateAttestationTokens, validationCallback) have been moved into the new TokenValidationOptions class.
  • The TokenValidationOptions class contains a number of options to tweak the JSON Web Token validation process, modeled extremely loosely after constructs in Nimbus JWT and PyJWT.
  • The validationCallback in the TokenValidationOptions object has been moved to a TokenValidated event on the TokenValidationOptions class. The TokenValidated event derives from the SyncAsyncEventHandler class, enabling both synchronous and asynchronous event handlers.
  • The TokenBody and TokenHeader properties have been removed from the AttestationToken object since they were redundant.
  • The TokenSigningKey type has been renamed AttestationTokenSigningKey.
  • The PolicyResult type has been renamed PolicyModificationResult.
  • The constructor for the AttestationToken class has been changed from taking an object to taking a BinaryData. This allows callers to use their preferred serialization
    mechanism. The constructor for AttestationToken will ensure that the body parameter is in fact a serialized JSON object to ensure it is compatable wih the JSON Web Signature encoding algorithms.
  • The inputs to the AttestSgxEnclave and AttestOpenEnclave APIs have been restructured
    to reduce the number of parameters passed into the API.
  • When creating an AttestationData object specifying that the body type is "JSON", the binary data passed in will be verified that it contains a JSON object.
  • The return value of GetPolicyManagementCertificates has been changed from AttestationResult<PolicyCertificatesResult> to AttestationResult<IReadOnlyList<X509Certificate2>> to simplify the experience of retrieving the certificate list. As a consequence of this change, the PolicyCertificatesResult type has been removed.
  • The unused TpmAttestationRequest and TpmAttestationResponse types have been removed.
  • The AttestationTokenSigningKey will now ensure that the public key in the provided certificate is the public key corresponding to the private key.
  • AttestTpm and AttestTpmAsync are changed to accept a new TpmAttestationRequest and return a TpmAttestationResponse instead of accepting and returning a BinaryData. The semantics of the API do not change, just the encapsulation of the BinaryData.

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