github Azure/azure-sdk-for-net Azure.ResourceManager.NetworkCloud_1.0.0

latest releases: Azure.ResourceManager.KeyVault_1.3.0, Azure.ResourceManager.ApiManagement_1.2.0, Azure.ResourceManager.Sql_1.3.0-beta.9...
10 months ago

1.0.0 (2023-08-22)

This is the first stable SDK for NetworkCloud based on 2023-07-01 APIs.

Features Added

  • Upgraded API version to 2023-07-01.

Breaking Changes

Polishing since last public beta release:

  • Prepended NetworkCloud prefix to all single / simple model names.
  • Corrected the format of all Guid type properties / parameters.
  • Corrected the format of all ResourceIdentifier type properties / parameters.
  • Corrected the format of all ResouceType type properties / parameters.
  • Corrected the format of all ETag type properties / parameters.
  • Corrected the format of all AzureLocation type properties / parameters.
  • Corrected the format of all binary type properties / parameters.
  • Corrected all acronyms that not follow .Net Naming Guidelines.
  • Corrected enumeration name by following Naming Enumerations Rule.
  • Corrected the suffix of DateTimeOffset properties / parameters.
  • Corrected the name of interval / duration properties / parameters that end with units.
  • Optimized the name of some models and functions.

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