github Azure/azure-sdk-for-net Azure.ResourceManager.Compute_1.7.0

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3 days ago

1.7.0 (2024-12-29)

Features Added

  • Upgraded api-version tag from 'package-2024-07-01' to 'package-2024-03-03'. Tag detail available at
    • Added new classes named GalleryInVmAccessControlProfileCollection, ComputeGalleryValidationProfile, GalleryImageExecutedValidation, AdditionalReplicaSet, GallerySoftDeleted, GallerySoftDeletedResourceList, ComputeGalleryEndpointAccess, ComputeGalleryEndpointTypes, and ComputeGalleryPlatformAttribute.
    • Added a new property named IsBlockedDeletionBeforeEndOfLife to GalleryImageVersionSafertyProfile class.
    • Added a new property named StartsAtVersion to GalleryImageFeature class.
    • Added a new property named AllowUpdateImage to GalleryImageData class.
    • Added new properties named ValidationsProfile and EnableRestore to GalleryImageVersionData class.
    • Added a new property named IsRestoreEnabled to GalleryImageVersionPatch class.
    • Added a new property named SecurityUefiSettings to GalleryList class.
    • Added a new property named ScriptBehaviorAfterReboot to UserARtifactSettings class.
    • Added a new property named AdditionalReplicaSets to TargetRegion class.
    • Added a new property named Identity to GalleryData class.

Other Changes

  • Upgraded Azure.Core from 1.42.0 to 1.44.1
  • Upgraded Azure.ResourceManager from 1.12.0 to 1.13.0

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