github Azure/azure-sdk-for-net Azure.Monitor.OpenTelemetry.Exporter_1.1.0

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6 months ago

1.1.0 (2023-11-29)

Features Added

  • Added NET6 target framework to support Trimming.
  • Added support for Trimming and AOT.

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed an issue where OriginalFormat persisted in TraceTelemetry properties
    with IncludeFormattedMessage set to true on

    of the OpenTelemetry LoggerProvider. This fix prevents data duplication in
    message fields and properties.

  • Fixed an issue related to the processing of scopes that do not conform to a
    key-value pair structure.

    • Previous Behavior: Logging a scope with a statement like
      logger.BeginScope("SomeScopeValue") would result in adding
      'SomeScopeValue' to the properties using a key that follows the pattern
      'scope->'. Additionally, 'OriginalFormatScope_' keys were used to handle
      formatted strings within the scope.
    • New Behavior:
      • Non-key-value pair scopes are no longer added to the properties,
        resulting in cleaner and more efficient log output.
      • 'OriginalFormatScope_*' keys have been removed.
      • In case of duplicate keys within the scopes, only the first entry is
        retained, while all subsequent duplicate entries are discarded.
  • Resolved an issue where activity tags of various object types, including
    double, float, and others, were previously formatted using
    CultureInfo.CurrentCulture. This behavior caused inconsistencies in tag
    value formatting depending on the regional settings of the machine where the
    application was running. Such inconsistencies could lead to challenges in data
    analysis and cause test failures in environments with differing cultural
    settings. The fix ensures uniform and culture-independent formatting of
    activity tag values, aligning with consistent data representation.

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