github Azure/azure-sdk-for-net Azure.Messaging.ServiceBus_7.8.0

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2 years ago

7.8.0 (2022-05-09)

Features Added

  • Added the GetReceiveActions method to ProcessMessageEventArgs and ProcessSessionMessageEventArgs to allow for receiving additional messages from the processor callback.

Breaking Changes

  • ServiceBusTransportMetrics and ServiceBusRuleManager have been removed from the prior beta versions. These will be evaluated for inclusion in a future GA release.

Bugs Fixed

  • Prevent exception when stopping processor that can occur if custom registrations were added to the CancellationToken that is exposed via the event args.
  • Don't close entire AMQP session when closing individual AMQP links when EnableCrossEntityTransactions is set to true, since with this configuration, all links will share the same session.

Other Changes

  • Retries related to accepting sessions when using the ServiceBusSessionProcessor are now logged as Verbose rather than Warning.

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