github Azure/azure-sdk-for-net Azure.Messaging.EventHubs_5.7.4

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19 months ago

5.7.4 (2022-11-08)

Bugs Fixed

  • Telemetry will now use a parent activity instead of links when the event processor is configured to use a eventBatchMaximumCount of 1.

  • The reference for the AMQP transport library, Microsoft.Azure.Amqp, has been bumped to 2.5.12. This resolves a rare race condition encountered when creating an AMQP link that could cause the link to hang.

Other Changes

  • Adjusted the frequency that a warning logged when the processor owns more partitions than a basic heuristic believes is ideal. Warnings will no longer log on each load balancing cycle, only when the number of partitions owned changes.

  • Added timing information to logs for AMQP publish and read operations.

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