github Azure/azure-sdk-for-net Azure.Messaging.EventHubs_5.7.1

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2 years ago

5.7.1 (2022-07-06)


Thank you to our developer community members who helped to make the Event Hubs client libraries better with their contributions to this release:

Features Added

  • The event processor error handler will now raise warning when an unhandled exception propagated from the event processing handler causing partition processing to fault and restart.

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed an issue with the EventHubBufferedProducerClient where it was not properly identifying when buffers were empty and should enter an idle state; this caused the background task that manages publishing to spin and consume an unreasonable amount of resources.

  • Fixed an issue with event processor startup validation where an invalid consumer group was not properly detected.

Other Changes

  • Samples now each have a table of contents to help discover and navigate to the topics discussed for a scenario. (A community contribution, courtesy of chadvidovcich)

  • Enhanced API documentation for the EventData properties collection, detailing the types supported by AMQP serialization.

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