github Azure/azure-sdk-for-net Azure.Messaging.EventHubs_5.4.1

5.4.1 (2021-05-11)


New Features

  • EventProcessor<TPartition> will now perform validation of core configuration and permissions at startup, in order to attempt to detect unrecoverable problems more deterministically. Validation is non-blocking and will not delay claiming of partitions. One important note is that validation should be considered point-in-time and best effort; it is not meant to replace monitoring of error handler activity.

  • Partition initialization for EventProcessor<TPartition> has been moved to a background operation. This will allow partitions to be more efficiently managed and speed up ownership claims, especially when using the LoadBalancingStrategy.Greedy configuration or when the processor is recovering from some error conditions.

Key Bug Fixes

  • Dependencies have been updated to resolve security warnings for CVE-2021-26701. (The Event Hubs client library does not make use of the vulnerable components, directly or indirectly)

  • Event Hubs client types will now consider some additional exception types as transient when they occur in the context of opening an AMQP connection or link; this allows the client to attempt recovery by discarding the faulted connection and attempting to create a new one.

  • Event Hubs client types will now react more deterministically when a shared connection was closed while still in use. Previously, the exception surfaced varied based on internal state. Now, an EventHubsException with FailureReason.ClientClosed and an appropriate message will be thrown.

  • EventProcessor<TPartition> will no longer inappropriately determine that it should attempt to steal partitions from itself or when the load is balanced but there is an uneven ownership distribution. Previously, stealing was attempted but no candidates were found, leading to log spam but no interruption in processing.

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