github Azure/azure-sdk-for-net Azure.Messaging.EventHubs.Processor_5.2.0-preview.2

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pre-release4 years ago

5.2.0-preview.2 (2020-08-10)


Thank you to our developer community members who helped to make the Event Hubs client libraries better with their contributions to this release:


Processing events

  • Load balancing will now detect when it has reached a balanced state more accurately; this will allow it to operate more efficiently when LoadBalancingStrategy.Greedy is in use.

  • The approach used for creation of checkpoints has been updated to interact with Azure Blob storage more efficiently. This will yield major performance improvements when soft delete was enabled and minor improvements otherwise.

  • Load balancing now has better recognition for being in a recovery state and will aggressively reclaim partitions for which it is the recognized owner, regardless of whether the current instance made the ownership claim. Previously, those partitions were redistributed on a 1-by-1 basis as part of the standard cycle.

Bug fixes and foundation

  • The underlying AMQP library has been enhanced for more efficient resource usage, particularly when no events are available; this will result in a noticeable reduction in memory use. (A community contribution, courtesy of danielmarbach)

  • The EventProcessorClient will now perform an eager validation of connection strings upon creation. Previously, validation was deferred until a partition was claimed which made debugging difficult.

  • Fixed an issue where failure to create an AMQP link would lead to an AMQP session not being explicitly closed, causing connections to the Event Hubs service to remain open until a garbage collection pass was performed.

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