github Azure/azure-sdk-for-net Azure.Identity_1.9.0-beta.2

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pre-release16 months ago

1.9.0-beta.2 (2023-02-21)

Features Added

  • Allow VisualStudioCredential on non-Windows platforms
  • Added AzureDeveloperCliCredential for Azure Developer CLI
  • Added WorkloadIdentityCredential to support Azure Workload Identity authentication
  • Added WorkloadIdentityCredential and AzureDeveloperCliCredential to the DefaultAzureCredential authentication flow.

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed ManagedIdentityCredential authentication in sovereign clouds for services specifying TenantId through authentication challenge #34077

Breaking Changes

  • Previously, if environment variables for username and password auth are set in addition to the AZURE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE_PATH, EnvironmentCredential would select the UsernamePasswordCredential. After this change, ClientCertificateCredential will be selected, which is consistent with all other languages. This is potentially a behavioral breaking change.

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