github Azure/azure-sdk-for-net Azure.Identity_1.7.0

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21 months ago

1.7.0 (2022-09-19)

Features Added

  • Added AdditionallyAllowedTenants to the following credential options to force explicit opt-in behavior for multi-tenant authentication:
    • AuthorizationCodeCredentialOptions
    • AzureCliCredentialOptions
    • AzurePowerShellCredentialOptions
    • ClientAssertionCredentialOptions
    • ClientCertificateCredentialOptions
    • ClientSecretCredentialOptions
    • DefaultAzureCredentialOptions
    • OnBehalfOfCredentialOptions
    • UsernamePasswordCredentialOptions
    • VisualStudioCodeCredentialOptions
    • VisualStudioCredentialOptions
  • Added TenantId to DefaultAzureCredentialOptions to avoid having to set InteractiveBrowserTenantId, SharedTokenCacheTenantId, VisualStudioCodeTenantId, and VisualStudioTenantId individually.

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed overly restrictive scope validation to allow the '_' character, for common scopes such as user_impersonation #30647

Breaking Changes

  • Credential types supporting multi-tenant authentication will now throw AuthenticationFailedException if the requested tenant ID doesn't match the credential's tenant ID, and is not included in the AdditionallyAllowedTenants option. Applications must now explicitly add additional tenants to the AdditionallyAllowedTenants list, or add '*' to list, to enable acquiring tokens from tenants other than the originally specified tenant ID. See
  • ManagedIdentityCredential token caching added in 1.7.0-beta.1 has been removed from this release and will be added back in 1.8.0-beta.1

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