github Azure/azure-sdk-for-net Azure.Identity_1.5.0-beta.3

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pre-release2 years ago

1.5.0-beta.3 (2021-08-10)


Thank you to our developer community members who helped to make Azure Identity better with their contributions to this release:

Features Added

  • A new trace event is now logged when DefaultAzureCredential selects a credential during initialization.
  • Added AzureApplicationCredential
  • Added IsPIILoggingEnabled property to TokenCredentialOptions, which controls whether MSAL PII logging is enabled, and other sensitive credential related logging content.

Breaking Changes

  • Renamed AZURE_POD_IDENTITY_TOKEN_URL to AZURE_POD_IDENTITY_AUTHORITY_HOST. The value should now be a host, for example "" (the default).

Bugs Fixed

  • Stopped loading $PROFILE and checking for updates when using AzurePowerShellCredential.
  • Fixed unrecognized argument issue in AzureCliCredential when specifying the TenantId option. #23158 (A community contribution, courtesy of tpajurek-dtml).
  • Handled an additional error scenario for AzureCliCredential that prompts developers to run az login when needed. #21758
  • Fixed an issue in EnvironmentCredential where the supplied options were not getting properly applied. #22787
  • Fixed DateTime parsing to use the current culture in AzurePowerShellCredential. #22638

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