github Azure/azure-sdk-for-net Azure.Data.Tables_12.10.0

latest release: Azure.Identity_1.13.2
one day ago

12.10.0 (2025-01-14)

Breaking Changes

  • Calling TableClient.Query, TableClient.QueryAsync, or TableClient.CreateQueryFilter with a filter expression that uses string.Equals or string.Compare with a StringComparison parameter will now throw an exception. This is because the Azure Table service does not support these methods in query filters. Previously the StringComparison argument was silently ignored, which can lead to subtle bugs in client code. The new behavior can be overridden by either setting an AppContext switch named "Azure.Data.Tables.DisableThrowOnStringComparisonFilter" to true or by setting the environment variable "AZURE_DATA_TABLES_DISABLE_THROWONSTRINGCOMPARISONFILTER" to "true". Note: AppContext switches can also be configured via configuration like below:
    <RuntimeHostConfigurationOption Include="Azure.Data.Tables.DisableThrowOnStringComparisonFilter" Value="true" />

Other Changes

  • Improved the performance of TableServiceClient.GetTableClient()

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