github Azure/azure-sdk-for-net Azure.Core_1.36.0

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6 months ago

1.36.0 (2023-11-10)

Features Added

  • Added RequiresUnreferencedCode attribute to RequestContent.Create(object) overloads that use reflection to serialize the input object. This provides support for native AOT compilation when Azure.Core is used for diagnostics.
  • Use System.Text.Json source generation to deserialize the error response in RequestFailedException on net6.0 and above targets.

Breaking Changes

  • Updated tracing attributes names to conform to OpenTelemetry semantic conventions version 1.23.0.
  • Suppress client activity creation by Azure clients if it happens in scope of another activity created by an Azure client.
  • Changed how ActivitySource name is constructed for clients that use single-worded activity names (without dot). We now append provided activity name as is to the client namespace name. Previously, the provided activity name was omitted and the ActivitySource name matched the provided client namespace.
  • Distributed tracing with ActivitySource for HTTP and REST-based client libraries is declared stable. Experimental feature-flag is no longer required for most of the newly released libraries. Tracing for messaging libraries remains experimental.
  • Added nullable annotation to ResourceIdentifier.TryParse parameter input.

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