github Azure/azure-sdk-for-net Azure.Core_1.29.0

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16 months ago

1.29.0 (2023-03-02)

Features Added

  • ActivitySource activities that are used when using the experimental OpenTelemetry support will include the az.schema_url tag indicating the OpenTelemetry schema version. They will also include the attribute names specified here.
  • "West US 3", "Sweden Central" and "Qatar Central" locations are added to Azure.Core.AzureLocation


  • Azure.Core.ArrayBackedPropertyBag is used to store request headers before HttpRequestMessage is created instead of System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpContentHeaders
  • Azure.HttpRange.ToString uses string.Create instead of FormattableString.Invariant in .NET 6.0+
  • Azure.Core.Diagnostics.AzureCoreEventSource checks EventLevel before formatting data for the events
  • Azure.Core.Pipeline.HttpClientTransport.JoinHeaderValues uses System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DefaultInterpolatedStringHandler to join header string values in .NET 6.0+

Bugs Fixed

  • ActivitySource activities will no longer be stamped with the kind attribute as this is redundant with the OpenTelemetry SpanKind attribute.
  • The product information section of the UserAgent header is now validated for invalid parenthesis formatting and escaped, if necessary.

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