github Azure/azure-sdk-for-net Azure.AI.TextAnalytics_5.3.0-beta.2

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pre-release13 months ago

5.3.0-beta.2 (2023-03-07)

Features Added

  • Added support for logging the "warn-text" response header.

Breaking Changes

Note: The following breaking changes only apply when upgrading from the previous beta version (5.3.0-beta.1) and do not impact stable versions.

  • Changes to dynamic classification:
    • Added the classificationType parameter to the following methods: TextAnalyticsClient.DynamicClassify, TextAnalyticsClient.DynamicClassifyAsync, TextAnalyticsClient.DynamicClassifyBatch and TextAnalyticsClient.DynamicClassifyBatchAsync.
    • Removed the options parameter from the following methods for consistency: TextAnalyticsClient.DynamicClassify and TextAnalyticsClient.DynamicClassifyAsync.
    • Removed the DynamicClassifyOptions class for consistency.
  • Changes to abstractive summarization:
    • Renamed AbstractSummaryAction.MaxSentenceCount to AbstractSummaryAction.SentenceCount.
    • Renamed AbstractSummaryOptions.MaxSentenceCount to AbstractSummaryOptions.SentenceCount.
  • Changes to Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) bundles as part of healthcare text analysis.
    • Renamed the WellKnownFhirVersion enum to FhirVersion.
    • Changed the type of the AnalyzeHealthcareEntitiesResult.FhirBundle property from IReadOnlyDictionary<string, object> to BinaryData.
  • Changes to named entity recognition (NER) resolutions:
    • Removed the BooleanResolution class; boolean resolutions are not supported by the service.
  • Changes to automatic language detection:
    • Removed the AbstractSummaryOptions.AutoDetectionDefaultLanguage property; the property is not supported by the service.
    • Removed the AnalyzeActionsOptions.AutoDetectionDefaultLanguage property; the property is not supported by the service.
    • Removed the AnalyzeHealthcareEntitiesOptions.AutoDetectionDefaultLanguage property; the property is not supported by the service.
    • Removed the ExtractSummaryOptions.AutoDetectionDefaultLanguage property; the property is not supported by the service.
    • Removed the MultiLabelClassifyOptions.AutoDetectionDefaultLanguage property; the property is not supported by the service.
    • Removed the RecognizeCustomEntitiesOptions.AutoDetectionDefaultLanguage property; the property is not supported by the service.
    • Removed the SingleLabelClassifyOptions.AutoDetectionDefaultLanguage property; the property is not supported by the service.

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