github Azure/azure-sdk-for-net Azure.AI.TextAnalytics_5.2.0

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22 months ago

5.2.0 (2022-09-08)

Features Added

  • Added DisplayName property to the following classes to set the optional display name of the operations below:
    • AnalyzeHealthcareEntitiesOptions
    • MultiLabelClassifyOptions
    • RecognizeCustomEntitiesOptions
    • SingleLabelClassifyOptions
  • Added DisplayName property to the following operations to read the optional display name set on options classes above:
    • AnalyzeHealthcareEntitiesOperation from AnalyzeHealthcareEntitiesOptions
    • ClassifyDocumentOperation from MultiLabelClassifyOptions and SingleLabelClassifyOptions
    • RecognizeCustomEntitiesOperation from RecognizeCustomEntitiesOptions
  • Added the following members to HealthcareEntityCategory following proper naming guidelines:
    • Age
    • GeneOrProtein
    • SymptomOrSign

Breaking Changes

  • Changed type MultiLabelClassifyOptions.IncludeStatistics from bool to bool?.
  • Changed type RecognizeCustomEntitiesOptions.IncludeStatistics from bool to bool?.
  • Changed type SingleLabelClassifyOptions.IncludeStatistics from bool to bool?.

Bugs Fixed

  • The values of HealthcareEntityCategory have been redefined to match what the service actually returns. (#20024)

Other Changes

  • Validate that a number of operations and model properties are only used for API versions in which they were defined, or newer API versions.

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