github Azure/azure-sdk-for-net Azure.AI.MetricsAdvisor_1.0.0

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3 years ago

1.0.0 (2021-07-08)

New Features

  • DimensionKey now implements the IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, string>> interface. Dimension columns can now be enumerated.
  • Added method Contains to DimensionKey to check whether or not a dimension column is present.
  • Added a property setter to MetricSeriesGroupDetectionCondition.SeriesGroupKey and to MetricSingleSeriesDetectionCondition.SeriesKey.
  • Added property DimensionsToSplitAlert to AnomalyAlertConfiguration to allow splitting an alert into multiple ones.
  • Added property MeasureType to MetricBoundaryCondition to control which measure should be used when checking boundaries for alert triggering. Current supported types are Value and Mean.
  • NotificationHook.Administrators is now a IList (not read-only anymore), and can be used to update the list of administrators or set it during creation.
  • Added property HookKind to NotificationHook.
  • Added property CredentialKind to DataSourceCredentialEntity.
  • Added value None to FeedbackQueryTimeMode to indicate that no time mode is set.
  • Some properties can now be set to their default value if set to null during an Update operation. For example, DataFeedIngestionSettings.IngestionStartOffset, or MetricWholeSeriesDetectionCondition.SmartDetectionCondition.
  • Added new constructor to AzureDataLakeStorageDataFeedSource to be used with authentication types that are not Basic.
  • Added new constructor to SqlServerDataFeedSource to be used with the SqlConnectionString authentication type.

Breaking Changes

  • Removed methods AddDimensionColumn and RemoveDimensionColumn from DimensionKey. In order to access elements, the new method TryGetValue must be used. Once the instance has been created, the columns can't be modified anymore.
  • DimensionKey is not an IEquatable anymore. Equality will be calculated based on reference only.
  • DimensionKey constructor now takes the required dimensions parameter.
  • The whole DatasourceCredential API has been renamed to DataSourceCredential. This includes renames in methods, method parameters, and properties.
    • Renamed type DatasourceCredential to DataSourceCredentialEntity.
    • Renamed type DataLakeGen2SharedKeyDatasourceCredential to DataLakeSharedKeyCredentialEntity.
    • Renamed type ServicePrincipalDatasourceCredential to ServicePrincipalCredentialEntity.
    • Renamed type ServicePrincipalInKeyVaultDatasourceCredential to ServicePrincipalInKeyVaultCredentialEntity.
    • Renamed type SqlConnectionStringDatasourceCredential to SqlConnectionStringCredentialEntity.
  • Renamed type DetectionConditionsOperator to DetectionConditionOperator. Also, MetricWholeSeriesDetectionCondition.CrossConditionsOperator has been renamed to ConditionOperator.
  • Renamed type MetricAnomalyAlertConfiguration to MetricAlertConfiguration.
  • Renamed type MetricAnomalyAlertConfigurationsOperator to MetricAlertConfigurationsOperator.
  • Renamed type DataSourceType to DataSourceKind. Similarly, GetDataFeedsFilter.SourceType has been renamed to SourceKind, and DataFeedSource.DataSourceType has been renamed to DataSourceKind.
  • Renamed type AzureDataLakeStorageGen2DataFeedSource to AzureDataLakeStorageDataFeedSource. Similarly, DataSourceType.AzureDataLakeStorageGen2 has been renamed to AzureDataLakeStorage.
  • Renamed type FeedbackType to MetricFeedbackKind. Similarly, GetAllFeedbackOptions.FeedbackType has been renamed to FeedbackKind, and MetricFeedback.Type to FeedbackKind as well.
  • Renamed type PeriodType to MetricPeriodType.
  • Renamed type FeedbackDimensionFilter to FeedbackFilter and moved it to the namespace Azure.AI.MetricsAdvisor.
  • Renamed type GetAnomaliesForDetectionConfigurationFilter to AnomalyFilter.
  • Renamed type GetDataFeedsFilter to DataFeedFilter, and the property GetDataFeedsOptions.GetDataFeedsFilter to Filter.
  • Split the method GetAnomalies into two different methods: GetAnomaliesForAlert and GetAnomaliesForDetectionConfiguration.
  • Split the method GetIncidents into two different methods: GetIncidentsForAlert and GetIncidentsForDetectionConfiguration.
  • Removed the property DimensionFilter in MetricFeedback. It's now a property of type DimensionKey (named DimensionKey as well). Similarly, feedback constructors now require a dimensionKey parameter to be passed.
  • DataFeedIngestionSettings constructor now takes the required ingestionStartsOn parameter. For this reason, the property IngestionStartTime, now named IngestionStartsOn, is not nullable anymore.
  • DataFeedMissingDataPointFillSettings constructor now takes the required fillType parameter. For this reason, the property FillType is not nullable anymore.
  • EmailNotificationHook constructor now takes the required name parameter.
  • WebNotificationHook constructor now takes the required name and endpoint parameters.
  • MetricSeriesGroupDetectionCondition constructor now takes the required seriesGroupKey parameter.
  • MetricSingleSeriesDetectionCondition constructor now takes the required seriesKey parameter.
  • Renamed all occurrences of CreatedTime to CreatedOn and ModifiedTime to LastModified.
  • Renamed AnomalyIncident.StartTime to StartedOn and AnomalyIncident.LastTime to LastDetectedOn.
  • Renamed any other occurrences of StartTime to StartsOn, and EndTime to EndsOn, including property and parameter names.
  • Renamed AlertQueryTimeMode.AnomalyTime to AnomalyDetectedOn, and FeedbackQueryTimeMode.FeedbackCreatedTime to FeedbackCreatedOn.
  • Renamed DataFeedRollupSettings.AlreadyRollupIdentificationValue to RollupIdentificationValue.
  • In DataFeedRollupType, renamed AlreadyRollup to AlreadyRolledUp, NeedRollup to RollupNeeded, and NoRollup to NoRollupNeeded.
  • In DataFeed, renamed AdministratorsEmails to Administrators, ViewersEmails to Viewers, and CreatorEmail to Creator.
  • In NotificationHook, renamed AdministratorsEmails to Administrators, and ExternalLink to ExternalUri.
  • In MetricAnomalyFeedback, renamed AnomalyDetectionConfigurationId to DetectionConfigurationId, and AnomalyDetectionConfigurationSnapshot to DetectionConfigurationSnapshot.
  • In ChangeThresholdCondition, renamed IsWithinRange to WithinRange. Similarly, the constructor parameter isWithinRange has been renamed to withinRange.
  • In MetricSeriesData, removed the Definition property. Now, properties MetricId and SeriesKey can be accessed directly from MetricSeriesData.
  • In DataPointAnomaly, renamed property AnomalyDetectionConfigurationId to DetectionConfigurationId.
  • In DataFeedMetric, renamed constructor parameter metricName to name only.
  • In DataFeedDimension, renamed constructor parameter dimensionName to name only.
  • In MetricAnomalyAlertScope, renamed static methods GetScopeFor<...> to CreateScopeFor<...>. For instance, GetScopeForSeriesGroup was renamed to CreateScopeForSeriesGroup.
  • Changed signature of the MetricAnomalyAlertScope.GetScopeForTopNGroup method to take the parameters top, period, and minimumTopCount directly. For this reason, removed the public constructor of TopNGroupScope.
  • Moved GetAlertConfigurationsOptions, GetDatasourceCredentialsOptions, and GetDetectionConfigurationsOptions to the Azure.AI.MetricsAdvisor.Administration namespace.
  • Moved DatasourceCredential, DataFeedSource, NotificationHook, and all of their concrete child types to the Azure.AI.MetricsAdvisor.Administration namespace.
  • Moved MetricFeedback and all of its concrete child types to the Azure.AI.MetricsAdvisor namespace.
  • In GetAllFeedbackOptions, moved all feedback filter properties to a new nested property Filter of type FeedbackFilter.
  • Changed order of parameters of MetricsAdvisorClient.GetMetricEnrichedSeriesData. Now, detectionConfigurationId appears first.
  • Optional properties FeedbackFilter.DimensionKey and GetAnomalyDimensionValuesOptions.DimensionToFilter must now be manually added with setters to be used.
  • Moved property DataFeed.SourceType to DataFeedSource.DataSourceType.
  • In GetAnomaliesForDetectionConfigurationFilter (now named AnomalyFilter), renamed SeriesGroupKeys to DimensionKeys.
  • In GetAnomalyDimensionValuesOptions, renamed DimensionToFilter to SeriesGroupKey.
  • In GetIncidentsForAlertOptions, renamed DimensionsToFilter to DimensionKeys.
  • In GetMetricDimensionValuesOptions, renamed DimensionValueToFilter to DimensionValueFilter.
  • In GetMetricSeriesDataOptions, renamed SeriesToFilter to SeriesKeys.
  • In GetMetricSeriesDefinitionsOptions, renamed DimensionCombinationsToFilter to DimensionCombinationsFilter.
  • In AnomalyIncident, renamed RootDimensionKey to RootSeriesKey.
  • In FeedbackDimensionFilter (now named FeedbackFilter), renamed DimensionFilter to DimensionKey.
  • In MetricsAdvisorKeyCredential, merged UpdateSubscriptionKey and UpdateApiKey into a single method, Update, to make it an atomic operation.
  • Removed setters from StartTime and EndTime, both in MetricAnomalyFeedback and in MetricChangePointFeedback.
  • The class NotificationHook is now abstract.
  • The class DatasourceCredential (now called DataSourceCredentialEntity) is now abstract.
  • AlertQueryTimeMode and FeedbackQueryTimeMode are now regular enums.
  • The enum AuthenticationType present in some DataFeedSource subtypes is now an extensible enum.
  • Removed constructor (string workspaceId, string query) from the LogAnalyticsDataFeedSource.

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