github Azure/azure-sdk-for-net Azure.AI.FormRecognizer_4.0.0

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21 months ago

4.0.0 (2022-09-08)

Features Added

  • Added GetWords method to DocumentLine. It can be used to split the line into separate DocumentWord instances.
  • Added derived classes to DocumentModelOperationDetails for each kind of operation: DocumentModelBuildOperationDetails, DocumentModelCopyToOperationDetails, and DocumentModelComposeOperationDetails.
  • Added DocumentField.ExpectedFieldType property.

Breaking Changes

  • The DocumentAnalysisClient and DocumentModelAdministrationClient now target the service version 2022-08-31, so they don't support 2020-06-30-preview anymore.
  • Renamed DocumentModelAdministrationClient methods to use the term DocumentModel instead of Model only. For example, BuildModel and GetModels became BuildDocumentModel and GetDocumentModels.
    • Similarly, Operation types have been renamed to reflect this change. For example, ComposeModelOperation became ComposeDocumentModelOperation.
    • As a consequence, BuildModelOptions has been renamed to BuildDocumentModelOptions.
  • Removed the BoundingPolygon type. All BoundingPolygon properties are now of type IReadOnlyList<PointF>.
  • Moved all DocumentField conversion methods, such as AsDate and AsString, to the new DocumentFieldValue class. They can be accessed from the DocumentField.Value property.
  • DocumentField.ValueType (now called FieldType) can now be Unknown when the field value couldn't be parsed by the service. In this case, DocumentField.Content can be used to get a textual representation of the field.
  • Updated DocumentField.AsDate to return a DateTimeOffset instead of a DateTime.
  • Renamed classes DocumentModelOperationDetails and DocumentModelOperationSummary to OperationDetails and OperationSummary, respectively.
  • Moved property Result in DocumentModelOperationDetails (now called OperationDetails) to each of its new derived classes. The property can't be accessed from the base class anymore.
  • Renamed class DocTypeInfo to DocumentTypeDetails.
  • Renamed property Offset to Index in the DocumentSpan class.
  • Renamed property DocType to DocumentType in the AnalyzedDocument class.
  • Renamed property DocTypes to DocumentTypes in the DocumentModelDetails class.
  • Renamed properties DocumentModelCount and DocumentModelLimit to CustomDocumentModelCount and CustomDocumentModelLimit in the ResourceDetails class.
  • Removed property BuildModelOptions.Prefix. The prefix must now be set with the prefix parameter in the method BuildModel.
  • Removed class DocumentPageKind and related properties.
  • Made BoundingRegion a struct instead of a class.
  • BoundingRegion now implements the IEquatable<BoundingRegion> interface.
  • Overrode BoundingRegion.ToString to include information about its page number and its bounding polygon in its string representation.
  • DocumentSpan now implements the IEquatable<DocumentSpan> interface.
  • Overrode DocumentSpan.ToString to include information about its index and its length in its string representation.
  • Renamed LengthUnit to DocumentPageLengthUnit. This change only affects the type defined in the DocumentAnalysis namespace.
  • Renamed SelectionMarkState to DocumentSelectionMarkState. This change only affects the type defined in the DocumentAnalysis namespace.
  • Renamed CopyAuthorization to DocumentModelCopyAuthorization. This change only affects the type defined in the DocumentAnalysis namespace.

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