github Azure/azure-sdk-for-js @azure/storage-blob_12.0.0-preview.5

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pre-release4 years ago

2019.10 12.0.0-preview.5

  • [Breaking] IPRange is renamed to SasIPRange. PR #5551

  • Created new interface CommonOptions. This interface is for standard options that apply to all methods that invoke remote operations. This interface currently contains options that enable client-side tracing of the SDK. PR #5550

  • [Breaking] Models is no longer exported in public API surface. Instead generated model types required by the public API are explicitly re-exported. In the case where convenience layer already defined a type with conflicting name, the model type is aliased with Model suffix. PR #5567

  • [Breaking] Cancelling an operation now throws a standardized error with the name AbortError. PR #5633

  • [Breaking] blobName on AppendBlobClient, BlobClient, BlockBlobClient and PageBlobClient is renamed to name. PR #5613

  • [Breaking] New BlobBatchClient allowing batched requests to the Azure Storage Blob service. PR #5634

    • Renamed BatchRequest to BlobBatch, flattened BatchDeleteRequest and BatchSetTierRequest into BlobBatch
    • Moved submitBatch code from BlobServiceClient into new BlobBatchClient, created new deleteBlobs and setBlobsAccessTier helpers on BlobBatchClient
      BlobBatchClient contains setBlobsAccessTier, submitBatch and deleteBlobs helper methods. BlobBatch represents an aggregated set of operations on blobs, delete and setAccessTier functionalities are supported currently.
  • [Breaking] Flattened the conditions type BlobRequestConditions instead of current nested one. It replaces ContainerAccessConditions and BlobAccessConditions.
    In addition, various conditions fields are renamed into simply conditions except sourceModifiedAccessConditions which is renamed to sourceConditions.
    This makes it more convenient to pass in conditional request options. PR #5672.

    An example:

      blobAccessConditions: {
        modifiedAccessConditions: {
          ifMatch: uploadResponse.eTag

    turns into

      conditions: {
        ifMatch: uploadResponse.eTag
  • [Breaking] eTag attribute is renamed to etag. PR #5674

  • [Breaking] body field from RestError Object in core-http Library is removed, the response property on the error will now have the parsedBody & headers along with raw body & headers that are already present. PRs #5670, #5437

    • Errors from the storage service can be seen in an extra field details with the expected error code. #5688
  • [Breaking] progress callback in the option bags of all the helper methods is renamed to onProgress. PR #5676

  • [Breaking] Consolidated PageRange and ClearRange types. They now have offset and count attributes as opposed to the older start and end attributes.
    PR #5632

  • [Breaking] Type of the permissions attribute in the options bag BlobSASSignatureValues to be passed into generateBlobSASQueryParameters is changed to BlobSASPermissions from type string. PR #5626

    • Similarly, AccountSASPermissions for generateAccountSASQueryParameters instead of type string.
    • Example - permissions attribute in generateBlobSASQueryParameters
      • permissions: BlobSASPermissions.parse("racwd").toString() changes to BlobSASPermissions.parse("racwd")
  • Renames for following Options interfaces. PR #5650

    • DownloadFromBlobOptions -> BlobDownloadToBufferOptions,
    • UploadStreamToBlockBlobOptions -> BlockBlobUploadStreamOptions,
    • UploadToBlockBlobOptions -> BlockBlobParallelUploadOptions
  • [Breaking] Appropriate attribute renames in all the interfaces. PRs #5580,#5630

    • Example - nextMarker -> continuationToken, HTTPClient -> HttpClient, permission -> permissions, parallelism -> concurrency
  • Bug fix - Name properties on clients now support the Emulator. PR #5557

    • emulator url when the blobEndpoint is supported
    • emulator connection string shorthands are supported
      • UseDevelopmentStorage=true
      • (with proxyURI) UseDevelopmentStorage=true;DevelopmentStorageProxyUri=proxyURI
  • [Breaking] encrypted attribute is removed from BlobMetadata interface. PR #5612

  • [Breaking] Return type of downloadToBuffer helper method on BlobClient is changed to Promise<Buffer> from Promise<void> PR #5624

  • [Breaking] IE11 needs Object.assign polyfill loaded. PR #5727

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