github Azure/azure-sdk-for-js @azure/core-http_1.0.3

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4 years ago

1.0.3 (2020-01-02)

  • Added x-ms-useragent to the list of allowed headers in request logs.
  • Fix issue of data being pushed twice when reporting progress (PR #6427)
  • Move getDefaultProxySettings() calls into proxyPolicy so that libraries that don't use the PipelineOptions or createDefaultRequestPolicyFactories from core-http can use this behavior without duplicating code. (PR #6478)
  • Fix tracingPolicy() to set standard span attributes (PR link). Now the following are set correctly for the spans
    • http.method
    • http.url
    • http.user_agent
    • http.status_code
    • requestId
    • serviceRequestId
    • kind = Client
    • span name: URI path

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