github Azure/azure-sdk-for-js @azure-rest/ai-document-intelligence_1.0.0

1.0.0 (2024-12-16)

Features Added

  • Adds streamToUint8Array, a convenience function that buffers a NodeJS.ReadableStream in a Uint8Array. It can be used to read the pdf and png responses from the results of an analysis.

    import DocumentIntelligence from "@azure-rest/ai-document-intelligence";
    import { streamToUint8Array } from "@azure-rest/ai-document-intelligence";
    const client = DocumentIntelligence("<DOCUMENT_INTELLIGENCE_ENDPOINT>", {
    // Do analysis on you document and get the resultId, figureId
    // Example for the figures api that provides an image output
    const output = await client
      .asNodeStream(); // output.body would be NodeJS.ReadableStream
    if (output.status !== "200" || !output.body) {
      throw new Error("The response was unexpected, expected NodeJS.ReadableStream in the body.");
    const imageData = await streamToUint8Array(output.body);
    fs.promises.writeFile(`./figures/${figureId}.png`, imageData); // Or you can consume the NodeJS.ReadableStream directly
  • Adds parseResultIdFromResponse, a convenience function that extracts the operationId from the batch analysis response.

    // Example
    const initialResponse = await client
      .path("/documentModels/{modelId}:analyzeBatch", "prebuilt-layout")
        contentType: "application/json",
        body: {
          azureBlobSource: {
            containerUrl: batchTrainingFilesContainerUrl(),
          resultContainerUrl: batchTrainingFilesResultContainerUrl(),
          resultPrefix: "result",
    if (isUnexpected(initialResponse)) {
      throw initialResponse.body.error;
    const batchResultId = parseResultIdFromResponse(initialResponse);
    const response = await client
  • Changes the following interfaces as follows:

    • AnalyzeBatchDocumentsBodyParam:
      • Updates body to be required.
    • AnalyzeBatchOperationOutput:
      • Adds resultId.
    • AnalyzeDocumentBodyParam:
      • Changes body from optional to required.
    • DocumentClassifierDetailsOutput:
      • Adds modifiedDateTime.
    • DocumentModelDetailsOutput:
      • Adds modifiedDateTime.
  • Introduces new interfaces to define query parameters for document analysis requests, allowing customizable style and explode options:

    • AnalyzeBatchDocumentsFeaturesQueryParam: Accepts DocumentAnalysisFeature[] values.
    • AnalyzeBatchDocumentsOutputQueryParam: Accepts AnalyzeOutputOption[] values.
    • AnalyzeBatchDocumentsQueryFieldsQueryParam: Accepts string[] values.
    • AnalyzeDocumentFeaturesQueryParam: Accepts DocumentAnalysisFeature[] values.
    • AnalyzeDocumentFromStreamFeaturesQueryParam: Accepts DocumentAnalysisFeature[] values.

Breaking Changes

  • Removes the poller.getOperationId() for a given polling operation. Use parseResultIdFromResponse to extract the operationId directly.
  • getLongRunningPoller function is not async anymore, do not await on it.

Other Changes

The following types are renamed

  • CopyAuthorization to ModelCopyAuthorization
  • ErrorResponseOutput to DocumentIntelligenceErrorResponseOutput
  • ErrorModelOutput to DocumentIntelligenceErrorOutput
  • InnerErrorOutput to DocumentIntelligenceInnerErrorOutput
  • WarningOutput to DocumentIntelligenceWarningOutput
  • ContentFormat to DocumentContentFormat
  • ContentFormatOutput to DocumentContentFormatOutput
  • OperationDetailsOutputParent to DocumentIntelligenceOperationDetailsOutputParent
  • OperationDetailsOutput to DocumentIntelligenceOperationDetailsOutput
  • OperationStatusOutput to DocumentIntelligenceOperationStatusOutput
  • ResourceDetailsOutput to DocumentIntelligenceResourceDetailsOutput
  • PagedOperationDetailsOutput to PagedDocumentIntelligenceOperationDetailsOutput
  • GetResourceInfo to GetResourceDetails

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