github Azure/azure-sdk-for-js @azure/storage-blob_12.0.0

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4 years ago

2019.11 12.0.0

  • This release marks the general availability of the @azure/storage-blob package.
  • Bug Fix - Previous versions of @azure/storage-blob preview library failed for React apps because of the usage of fs.stat method which is not available in browsers and due to the presence of some circular dependencies. Both of these issues are fixed in this new release.
  • [Breaking] The custom browser and retry policies that are specific to the Storage libraries have been
    renamed to have the Storage prefix. PR 5862.
    Below are the entities that now have the Storage prefix
    • BrowserPolicy
    • BrowserPolicyFactory
    • RetryPolicy
    • RetryPolicyType
    • RetryOptions
    • RetryPolicyFactory
  • [Breaking] LeaseClient is renamed to BlobLeaseClient. The helper method getLeaseClient on both BlobClient and ContainerClient is renamed to getBlobLeaseClient.
  • [Breaking] The properties in the StoragePipelineOptions interface have been updated as below:
    • The proxy property of type ProxySettings | string has been renamed to proxyOptions and
      will be of type ProxyOptions. If you have been passing url directly, split the value into host
      and port then pass it as a json object.
    • The telemetry property of type TelemetryOptions has been renamed to userAgentOptions of
      type UserAgentOptions.
    • The logger is no longer a property available to configure. To enable logging, please see the
      Troubleshooting section of our readme.
    • The UniqueRequestIdPolicy and KeepAlivePolicy are no longer exported from this library. The
      corresponding policies from the @azure/core-http library are meant to be used instead.
  • beginCopyFromURL is added to the BlobClient, it returns a poller that can be used to watch the status of a copy operation. It also supports cancelling a pending copy.
  • Updates to BlockBlobClient.uploadStream
    • [Breaking] maxBuffers attribute of is renamed to maxConcurrency
    • Added default values for parameters, bufferSize = 8MB and maxConcurrency = 5
  • [Breaking] Bug Fix - The page object returned from ContainerClient.listContainers had its containerItems property set to an empty string instead of an empty array if the storage account has no blob containers. The issue is fixed in this new release.
  • BlobClient.downloadToBuffer() helper method has a new overload where it is not required to pass the Buffer. Attributes offset and count are optional, downloads the entire blob if they are not provided.
  • [Breaking] The default browser bundle has been removed from the npm package. Bundling your application with a bundler such as Webpack is the recommended approach to building a browser bundle. For details on how to do this, please refer to our bundling documentation.

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