github Azure/azure-sdk-for-js @azure/service-bus_7.1.0

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3 years ago

7.1.0 (2021-05-11)

New Features

  • Adds support for passing NamedKeyCredential as the credential type to ServiceBusClient and ServiceBusAdminstrationClient. Also adds support for passing SASCredential to ServiceBusClient.
    These credential types support rotation via their update methods and are an alternative to using the SharedAccessKeyName/SharedAccessKey or SharedAccessSignature properties in a connection string.
    Resolves #11891.

Bug fixes

  • [Bug Fix] expiresAtUtc is Invalid Date in the received message when the ttl is not defined. Has been fixed in #13543
  • Some of the queue properties such as "forwardTo" and "autoDeleteOnIdle" were not being set as requested through the ServiceBusAdministrationClient.createQueue method because of a bug w.r.t the ordering of XML properties. The issue has been fixed in #14692.
  • Settling messages now use the retryOptions passed to ServiceBusClient, making it more resilient against network failures.
  • Fixes an issue where receiver link recovery/creation could fail, resulting in a receiver that was no longer receiving messages.

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