github Azure/azure-sdk-for-js @azure/service-bus_7.0.0

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3 years ago

7.0.0 (2020-11-23)

Breaking changes

Note: The following breaking changes are with respect to version 7.0.0-preview.8.
If migrating from version 1.1.10 or lower, look at our migration guide to move from Service Bus V1 to Service Bus V7.

  • The ServiceBusError.reason field has been renamed ServiceBusError.code.
    The code field can be used to differentiate what caused a ServiceBusError to be thrown.
  • Numbers passed in applicationProperties of the correlation rule filter and sqlParameters under SQLRuleFilter will now be serialized as "double"(used to be "int") while sending the requests. The "double" and "int" values in the response will now be deserialized as "number"("double" wasn't supported before).
    PR 12349
  • ServiceBusAdministrationClient.createSubscription now supports configuring default rule at the time of creating the subscription.
    PR 12495
  • _amqpAnnotatedMessage under ServiceBusReceivedMessage has been renamed to _rawAmqpMessage.
    PR 12635
  • claimValue property under AuthorizationRule has been removed since it is not settable.
    PR 12608
  • method has been removed in favor of adding it back in the future with better semantics
    PR 12608

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