github Azure/azure-sdk-for-js @azure/service-bus_1.0.0

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5 years ago

2019-05-16 1.0.0

  • receiveMessages() now returns rejected promise when network connection is lost.
  • Receiving messages from a session whose id is an empty string is now allowed.
  • Errors thrown explicitly by the library for the user facing apis are documented in jsdocs.

Breaking changes

  • When Service Bus does not acknowledge a message settlement/disposition request in time, the error
    ServiceUnavailbleError is thrown. This is consistent with send requests and requests over the $management link.
  • The error MessageLockLostError or SessionLockLostError (based on whether the entity has sessions enabled
    or not) is thrown for a message settlement/disposition request when the AMQP receiver link that was used to receive
    the message has died.
  • User agent string which is passed as a AMQP connection property is updated to follow the new standard.
    For example: azsdk-js-azureservicebus/1.0.0/(NODE-VERSION v10.15.0) Windows_NT 10.0.17763

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