github Azure/azure-sdk-for-js @azure/keyvault-keys_4.2.0

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2 years ago

4.2.0 (2021-06-15)

New Features

  • Added support for local cryptography operations. If supported by the key type and algorithm, the CryptographyClient will attempt to perform a cryptography operation locally.
  • Added support for symmetric keys in Managed HSMs including support for AES encryption algorithms to encrypt, decrypt, wrap, and unwrap using symmetric keys.
  • Added support for the 7.2 version of the Key Vault service API.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug with beginDeleteKey and beginRecoverDeletedKey in which unknown service errors wouldn't bubble up properly to the end users.
  • Fixed bug with the list operations which were returning misplaced properties. Fixes customer issue: 15353.
  • Fixed an issue where retrying a failed initial Key Vault request may result in an empty body.

Changes since 4.2.0-beta.5:

  • Removed the now obsolete KeyOperationsOptions and replaced it with CryptographyOptions.
    • Introduced in 4.2.0-beta.1 to support additional encryption parameters for AES encryption, we have since moved these parameters outside of the options bag so a separate KeyOperationsOptions is now redundant.
  • Fixed a bug with beginDeleteKey and beginRecoverDeletedKey in which unknown service errors wouldn't bubble up properly to the end users.
  • Fixed bug with the list operations which were returning misplaced properties. Fixes customer issue: 15353.
  • Exported a method to parse Key Vault Key Ids: parseKeyVaultKeyIdentifier.

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