github Azure/azure-sdk-for-js @azure/identity_2.0.0-beta.6

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pre-release2 years ago

2.0.0-beta.6 (2021-09-09)

Features Added

  • Added the OnBehalfOfCredential, which allows users to authenticate through the On-Behalf-Of authentication flow.
  • ManagedIdentityCredential now supports token exchange authentication.

Breaking Changes

  • ClientCertificateCredential now evaluates the validity of the PEM certificate path on getToken and not on the constructor.

Breaking Changes from 2.0.0-beta.5

  • The property named selectedCredential that was added to ChainedTokenCredential and DefaultAzureCredential has been removed, since customers reported that logging was enough.
  • Renamed the allowUnencryptedStorage property of TokenCachePersistenceOptions to unsafeAllowUnencryptedStorage to make it clear that enabling the unencrypted storage feature is not generally safe for production use.
  • Changed the name of the "extension" API to the "plugin" API to reduce confusion between this package and VS Code extensions. The function useIdentityExtension was renamed to useIdentityPlugin, and "extension packages" are now known as "plugin packages".
  • Renamed the allowUnencryptedStorage property of TokenCachePersistenceOptions to unsafeAllowUnencryptedStorage to make it clear that enabling the unencrypted storage feature is not generally safe for production use.

Bugs Fixed

  • ClientSecretCredential, ClientCertificateCredential and UsernamePasswordCredential now throw if the required parameters are not provided (even in JavaScript).
  • Fixed a bug introduced on 2.0.0-beta.5 that caused the ManagedIdentityCredential to fail authenticating in Arc environments. Since our new core disables unsafe requests by default, we had to change the security settings for the first request of the Arc MSI, which retrieves the file path where the authentication value is stored since this request generally happens through an HTTP endpoint.
  • Fixed bug on the AggregateAuthenticationError, which caused an inconsistent error message on the ChainedTokenCredential, DefaultAzureCredential and ApplicationCredential.

Other Changes

  • The errors thrown by the ManagedIdentityCredential have been improved.

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