github Azure/azure-sdk-for-js @azure/identity_1.1.0

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3 years ago

1.1.0 (2020-08-11)

Changes since 1.0.*

  • With 1.1.0, new developer credentials are now available: VisualStudioCodeCredential and AzureCliCredential.
    • VisualStudioCodeCredential allows developers to log into Azure using the credentials available after logging in through the Azure Account extension in Visual Studio Code.
    • AzureCliCredential allows developers to log into Azure using the login credentials after an "az login" call.
  • Both VisualStudioCodeCredential and AzureCliCredential may be used directly or indirectly as part of DefaultAzureCredential.
  • Added the ability to configure the Managed Identity with a user-assigned client ID via a new option available in the DefaultAzureCredential constructor options: managedIdentityClientId.
  • Made a list of known authorities is now available via a new top-level constant: AzureAuthorityHosts.
  • Introduced the CredentialUnavailable error, which allows developers to differentiate between a credential not being available and an error happening during authentication.

Changes since the latest 1.1-preview

  • Renamed the VSCodeCredential to VisualStudioCodeCredential, and its options parameter from VSCodeCredentialOptions to VisualStudioCodeCredentialOptions.
  • Tenant information is now loaded from the Visual Studio Code settings file when the VisualStudioCodeCredential is used.
  • Added managedIdentityClientId to optionally pass in a user-assigned client ID for the ManagedIdentityCredential.

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