github Azure/azure-sdk-for-js @azure/identity_1.0.0

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4 years ago

1.0.0 - 2019-10-29

  • This release marks the general availability of the @azure/identity package.
  • EnvironmentCredential now looks for additional environment variables: (PR #5743)
    • AZURE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE_PATH to configure ClientCertificateCredential
    • AZURE_USERNAME and AZURE_PASSWORD to configure UsernamePasswordCredential
  • GetTokenOptions now extends the interface OperationOptions (PR #5899)
  • TokenCredentialOptions now extends the interface PipelineOptions (PR #5711)
  • Renamed IdentityClientOptions to TokenCredentialOptions (PR #5797)
  • Removed the browser bundle. A browser-compatible library can still be created through the use of a bundler such as Rollup, Webpack, or Parcel
    (PR #5863)

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