github Azure/azure-sdk-for-js @azure/identity-vscode_1.0.0-beta.1

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pre-release3 years ago

1.0.0-beta.1 (2021-07-07)

New features

  • This release marks the initial beta availability of the @azure/identity-vscode package. This package extends @azure/identity by providing the dependencies of VisualStudioCodeCredential and enabling it within the @azure/identity package. VisualStudioCodeCredential uses the authenticated session from the "Azure Account" extension in Visual Studio Code. If this extension package is not loaded using useIdentityExtension, then VisualStudioCodeCredential from @azure/identity will throw a CredentialUnavailableError. By enabling VisualStudioCodeCredential, the DefaultAzureCredential class in @azure/identity also gains functionality allowing it to use the "Azure Account" session if it is available.

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