github Azure/azure-sdk-for-js @azure/eventgrid_4.6.0

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2 years ago

4.6.0 (2022-01-11)

Features Added

  • Added a new property to AcsRecordingChunkInfo (for the Microsoft.Communication.RecordingFileStatusUpdated system event):

  • deleteLocation

  • Added new properties to ContainerRegistryArtifactEventData and ContainerRegistryEventData (for the Microsoft.ContainerRegistry.{ChartDeleted|ChartPushed|ImagePushed|ImageDeleted} system events):

    • connectedRegistry
    • location
  • Added new properties to AcsRecordingFileStatusUpdatedEventData (for the Microsoft.Communication.RecordingFileStatusUpdated system event):

    • recordingChannelType
    • recordingContentType
    • recordingFormatType

Key Bug Fixes

  • The TypeScript typings for events from Azure Resource Manager were incorrect. The following properties had their types changed:

    • authorization
    • claims
    • httpRequest

Previously, these properties were typed as string but the underlying events from the service actually contained objects. Customers using isSystemEvent with TypeScript will
now see compliation issues if they try to treat these properties as strings (previously, the code would fail at runtime).

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