github Azure/azure-sdk-for-js @azure/eventgrid_4.0.0

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3 years ago

4.0.0 (2021-03-17)

  • Update version to 4.0.0 to align with other EventGrid SDKs

Breaking Changes

  • EventGridConsumer no longer applies any conversions to the data property of system events. The interfaces that describe the data payload of each
    system event has been updated to reflect this. The most visible impact of this change is that some properties of events are no longer converted into JavaScript
    Date objects, and instead are kepts as strings which contain ISO 8601 timestamps.
  • Related to the above, EventGridConsumer no longer accepts a set of custom converters that can be used to further transform the data property of a specific
    event type when deserializing events.
  • The interfaces which describe the shape of the data member of system events have been updated so that properties always included in the event are not typed as optional.

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