4.3.0 (2025-03-18)
Features Added
Client-side Encryption (Preview) #28760
Add support for Client-Side Encryption. Read more here: docs
Example of using Client-Side Encryption:
const credentials = new DefaultAzureCredential();
const keyResolver = new AzureKeyVaultEncryptionKeyResolver(credentials);
const cosmosClient = new CosmosClient({connectionString: "<ConnectionString>", clientEncryptionOptions: { keyEncryptionKeyResolver: keyResolver }});
const database = cosmosClient.database("my-database");
const metadata: EncryptionKeyWrapMetadata = {
type: EncryptionKeyResolverName.AzureKeyVault,
name: "akvKey",
value: "https://<my-key-vault>.vault.azure.net/keys/<key>/<version>",
algorithm: KeyEncryptionAlgorithm.RSA_OAEP
await database.createClientEncryptionKey(
const path1 : ClientEncryptionIncludedPath = {
path: "/property1",
clientEncryptionKeyId: "my-key",
encryptionType: EncryptionType.DETERMINISTIC,
encryptionAlgorithm: EncryptionAlgorithm.AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA256,
const path2 : ClientEncryptionIncludedPath = {
path: "/property2",
clientEncryptionKeyId: "my-key",
encryptionType: EncryptionType.DETERMINISTIC,
encryptionAlgorithm: EncryptionAlgorithm.AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA256,
const paths = [path1, path2];
const clientEncryptionPolicy = {
includedPaths: [path],
policyFormatVersion: 2,
const containerDefinition = {
id: "my-container",
partitionKey: {
paths: ["/id"],
clientEncryptionPolicy: clientEncryptionPolicy,
await database.containers.createIfNotExists(containerDefinition);
New Query Pipeline
Introduced enableQueryControl
flag to enhance query pipeline, giving users more control over their query execution.
By default, value of enableQueryControl
is set as false
keeping query pipeline older behavior as default, as explained below:
Previously, the SDK guaranteed that each fetchNext call would return maxItemCount
number of results, provided those many results existed in the backend. While this behavior ensured a predictable output, the SDK may query backend partitions multiple times in a single fetchNext
iteration. This can sometimes lead to higher RU consumption with no user control, especially when results are scattered across partitions. Also queries could run for extended periods as the SDK worked to fulfil the maxItemCount
When enableQueryControl
is set to true
, Each fetchNext
call will now query up to maxDegreeOfParallelism
physical partitions. If no results are found, the SDK will return empty pages instead of continuing to search all partitions. Returning fewer or empty results in each iteration consumes less RUs and hands control back to the users, allowing them to decide whether to continue fetching more data. This approach provides more granular control over RU consumption.
Eg. usage of this flag to enable new query pipeline:
const options : FeedOptions = {
enableQueryControl: true, // Flag to enable new query pipeline. Default value is false
maxItemCount: 100,
maxDegreeOfParallelism: 10,
forceQueryPlan: true,
const queryIterator = container.items.query("query text", options);
const res = await queryIterator.fetchNext();
Partition merge support
This feature adds support for Partition merge (preview) feature. Requests from SDK will not be blocked, when the feature is enabled on the CosmosDB account.
Read more about merge here: docs
RU Bucketing (Preview)
Read more about RU Bucketing here: https://aka.ms/cosmsodb-bucketing
Partial hierarchical partition key support in Change Feed #27059
This feature adds support for partial hierarchical partition key in Change Feed allowing the SDK to work seamlessly with partial Hierarchical partition keys, returning accurate change feed results regardless of which partition key components are provided in the iterator.
Eg. Container has partition key ["/name", "/zip", "/state"], change feed will work if, only value of name and zip is provided eg: ["john", "11011"]
Index Metrics V2 support
This feature adds support for V2 version of index metrics that returns the response in JSON format.
Example output of older version
Index Utilization Information
Utilized Single Indexes
Index Spec: /Item/?
Index Impact Score: High
Index Spec: /Price/?
Index Impact Score: High
Potential Single Indexes
Utilized Composite Indexes
Potential Composite Indexes
Index Spec: /Item ASC, /Price ASC
Index Impact Score: High
Example output of version V2
{"UtilizedIndexes":{"SingleIndexes":[{"IndexSpec":"/Item/?"},{"IndexSpec":"/Price/?"}],"CompositeIndexes":[]},"PotentialIndexes":{"SingleIndexes":[],"CompositeIndexes":[{"IndexSpecs":["/Item ASC","/Price ASC"],"IndexImpactScore":"High"}]}}
Add connectionString
in CosmosClientOptions
ConnectionString can now be configured in CosmosClientOptions along with other configurations for client initialization.
Eg. usage:
const options = {
connectionString: "<ConnectionString>",
consistencyLevel: ConsistencyLevel.Strong
Bugs Fixed
- Fixed issue for incorrect
header value. It was set to true ifmaxDegreeOfParallelism
was set to 0 or 1 inFeedOptions
while executing a query. #31232 - Fixed the issue for incorrect results in Changefeed in case of internal TimeoutErrors #32652
- Fix RequestOptions and SharedOptions #27336
- Set default values in RetryOptions #27312
Other Changes
- Deprecate the older
iterator in favor of the newergetChangeFeedIterator()
method. #32650