github Azure/azure-sdk-for-js @azure/core-tracing_1.0.0-preview.11

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pre-release3 years ago

1.0.0-preview.11 (2021-03-30)

Breaking Changes

  • Update @azure/core-tracing to version 1.0.0-preview.11. This brings core-tracing up to date with @opentelemetry/api@1.0.0-rc.0.
    There are two scenarios that will require changes if you are using tracing:
    • Previously, you would pass a parent span using the OperationOptions.tracingOptions.spanOptions.parentSpan property. This has been
      changed so that you now specify a parent Context using the OperationOptions.tracingOptions.tracingContext property instead.
    • The status code for Spans is no longer of type CanonicalCode. Instead, it's now SpanStatusCode, which also has a smaller range of values.

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