github Azure/azure-sdk-for-js @azure/core-rest-pipeline_1.4.0

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2 years ago

1.4.0 (2022-01-06)

Features Added

  • Changed behavior when sending HTTP headers to preserve the original casing of header names. Iterating over HttpHeaders now keeps the original name casing. There is also a new preserveCase option for HttpHeaders.toJSON(). See PR #18517
  • The count for how many retries in the throttlingRetryPolicy policy can now be configured.
  • The bearerTokenAuthenticationPolicy now accepts a logger.
  • A new retryPolicy centralizes the retry logic and allows adding retry strategies to any pipeline. With it, we're exposing some new types:
    • RetryStrategy defines whether to retry and how to retry.
    • RetryStrategyState keeps track of the last retry and controls how to do the subsequent retries.
  • Previous retry policies have been enhanced with better error handling.
  • A new defaultRetryPolicy is added, which has the same behavior as all the other retry policies combined (throttlingRetryPolicy, systemErrorRetryPolicy and exponentialRetryPolicy).
  • createPipelineFromOptions has been updated to ensure retries are properly traced.

Bugs Fixed

  • Form data of application/x-www-form-urlencoded are now sent properly.

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