2.0.0 (2025-02-07)
Features Added
- Added operation group SecurityPoliciesInterfaceOperations
- Added operation AssociationsInterfaceOperations.createOrUpdate
- Added operation AssociationsInterfaceOperations.delete
- Added operation FrontendsInterfaceOperations.createOrUpdate
- Added operation FrontendsInterfaceOperations.delete
- Added operation TrafficControllerInterfaceOperations.createOrUpdate
- Added operation TrafficControllerInterfaceOperations.delete
- Added Interface PagedAsyncIterableIterator
- Added Interface PageSettings
- Added Interface RestorePollerOptions
- Added Interface SecurityPoliciesInterfaceCreateOrUpdateOptionalParams
- Added Interface SecurityPoliciesInterfaceDeleteOptionalParams
- Added Interface SecurityPoliciesInterfaceGetOptionalParams
- Added Interface SecurityPoliciesInterfaceListByTrafficControllerOptionalParams
- Added Interface SecurityPoliciesInterfaceUpdateOptionalParams
- Added Interface SecurityPolicy
- Added Interface SecurityPolicyConfigurations
- Added Interface SecurityPolicyProperties
- Added Interface SecurityPolicyUpdate
- Added Interface SecurityPolicyUpdateProperties
- Added Interface TrafficControllerUpdateProperties
- Added Interface WafPolicy
- Added Interface WafSecurityPolicy
- Added Type Alias ContinuablePage
- Added Type Alias PolicyType
- Interface TrafficControllerProperties has a new optional parameter securityPolicies
- Interface TrafficControllerProperties has a new optional parameter securityPolicyConfigurations
- Interface TrafficControllerUpdate has a new optional parameter properties
- Added Enum KnownPolicyType
- Added Enum KnownVersions
- Added function restorePoller
Breaking Changes
- Removed operation AssociationsInterface.beginCreateOrUpdate
- Removed operation AssociationsInterface.beginCreateOrUpdateAndWait
- Removed operation AssociationsInterface.beginDelete
- Removed operation AssociationsInterface.beginDeleteAndWait
- Removed operation FrontendsInterface.beginCreateOrUpdate
- Removed operation FrontendsInterface.beginCreateOrUpdateAndWait
- Removed operation FrontendsInterface.beginDelete
- Removed operation FrontendsInterface.beginDeleteAndWait
- Removed operation TrafficControllerInterface.beginCreateOrUpdate
- Removed operation TrafficControllerInterface.beginCreateOrUpdateAndWait
- Removed operation TrafficControllerInterface.beginDelete
- Removed operation TrafficControllerInterface.beginDeleteAndWait
- Class ServiceNetworkingManagementClient has a new signature
- Interface AssociationsInterfaceCreateOrUpdateOptionalParams no longer has parameter resumeFrom
- Interface AssociationsInterfaceDeleteOptionalParams no longer has parameter resumeFrom
- Interface FrontendsInterfaceCreateOrUpdateOptionalParams no longer has parameter resumeFrom
- Interface FrontendsInterfaceDeleteOptionalParams no longer has parameter resumeFrom
- Interface ServiceNetworkingManagementClientOptionalParams no longer has parameter $host
- Interface ServiceNetworkingManagementClientOptionalParams no longer has parameter endpoint
- Interface TrafficControllerInterfaceCreateOrUpdateOptionalParams no longer has parameter resumeFrom
- Interface TrafficControllerInterfaceDeleteOptionalParams no longer has parameter resumeFrom
- Parameter id of interface AssociationSubnetUpdate is now required
- Type of parameter tags of interface AssociationUpdate is changed from {
[propertyName: string]: string;
} to Record<string, string> - Type of parameter info of interface ErrorAdditionalInfo is changed from Record<string, unknown> to Record<string, any>
- Type of parameter tags of interface FrontendUpdate is changed from {
[propertyName: string]: string;
} to Record<string, string> - Type of parameter tags of interface TrackedResource is changed from {
[propertyName: string]: string;
} to Record<string, string> - Type of parameter tags of interface TrafficControllerUpdate is changed from {
[propertyName: string]: string;
} to Record<string, string> - Class ServiceNetworkingManagementClient no longer has parameter $host
- Class ServiceNetworkingManagementClient no longer has parameter apiVersion
- Class ServiceNetworkingManagementClient no longer has parameter subscriptionId
- Removed function getContinuationToken