github Azure/azure-sdk-for-js @azure/arm-mysql-flexible_4.0.0-beta.2

latest releases: @azure-rest/ai-translation-document_1.0.0-beta.2, @azure-rest/ai-inference_1.0.0-beta.1, @azure-rest/ai-translation-document_1.0.0-beta.1...
pre-release11 days ago

4.0.0-beta.2 (2024-06-28)

Compared with version 3.1.0

Features Added

  • Added operation group AdvancedThreatProtectionSettings
  • Added operation group AzureADAdministrators
  • Added operation group BackupAndExport
  • Added operation group CheckNameAvailabilityWithoutLocation
  • Added operation group LocationBasedCapabilitySet
  • Added operation group LogFiles
  • Added operation group LongRunningBackup
  • Added operation group LongRunningBackups
  • Added operation group Maintenances
  • Added operation group OperationProgress
  • Added operation group OperationResults
  • Added operation group ServersMigration
  • Added operation Backups.put
  • Added operation Configurations.beginCreateOrUpdate
  • Added operation Configurations.beginCreateOrUpdateAndWait
  • Added operation Servers.beginResetGtid
  • Added operation Servers.beginResetGtidAndWait
  • Added operation Servers.validateEstimateHighAvailability
  • Added Interface AdministratorListResult
  • Added Interface AdvancedThreatProtection
  • Added Interface AdvancedThreatProtectionForUpdate
  • Added Interface AdvancedThreatProtectionListResult
  • Added Interface AdvancedThreatProtectionSettingsGetOptionalParams
  • Added Interface AdvancedThreatProtectionSettingsListNextOptionalParams
  • Added Interface AdvancedThreatProtectionSettingsListOptionalParams
  • Added Interface AdvancedThreatProtectionSettingsUpdateHeaders
  • Added Interface AdvancedThreatProtectionSettingsUpdateOptionalParams
  • Added Interface AdvancedThreatProtectionSettingsUpdatePutHeaders
  • Added Interface AdvancedThreatProtectionSettingsUpdatePutOptionalParams
  • Added Interface AzureADAdministrator
  • Added Interface AzureADAdministratorsCreateOrUpdateOptionalParams
  • Added Interface AzureADAdministratorsDeleteOptionalParams
  • Added Interface AzureADAdministratorsGetOptionalParams
  • Added Interface AzureADAdministratorsListByServerNextOptionalParams
  • Added Interface AzureADAdministratorsListByServerOptionalParams
  • Added Interface BackupAndExportCreateHeaders
  • Added Interface BackupAndExportCreateOptionalParams
  • Added Interface BackupAndExportRequest
  • Added Interface BackupAndExportResponse
  • Added Interface BackupAndExportResponseType
  • Added Interface BackupAndExportValidateBackupOptionalParams
  • Added Interface BackupRequestBase
  • Added Interface BackupSettings
  • Added Interface BackupsPutOptionalParams
  • Added Interface BackupStoreDetails
  • Added Interface Capability
  • Added Interface CapabilitySetsList
  • Added Interface CheckNameAvailabilityWithoutLocationExecuteOptionalParams
  • Added Interface ConfigurationsCreateOrUpdateHeaders
  • Added Interface ConfigurationsCreateOrUpdateOptionalParams
  • Added Interface DataEncryption
  • Added Interface ErrorDetail
  • Added Interface FullBackupStoreDetails
  • Added Interface HighAvailabilityValidationEstimation
  • Added Interface ImportFromStorageResponseType
  • Added Interface ImportSourceProperties
  • Added Interface LocationBasedCapabilitySetGetOptionalParams
  • Added Interface LocationBasedCapabilitySetListNextOptionalParams
  • Added Interface LocationBasedCapabilitySetListOptionalParams
  • Added Interface LogFile
  • Added Interface LogFileListResult
  • Added Interface LogFilesListByServerNextOptionalParams
  • Added Interface LogFilesListByServerOptionalParams
  • Added Interface LongRunningBackupCreateHeaders
  • Added Interface LongRunningBackupCreateOptionalParams
  • Added Interface LongRunningBackupsGetOptionalParams
  • Added Interface LongRunningBackupsListNextOptionalParams
  • Added Interface LongRunningBackupsListOptionalParams
  • Added Interface Maintenance
  • Added Interface MaintenanceListResult
  • Added Interface MaintenancesListNextOptionalParams
  • Added Interface MaintenancesListOptionalParams
  • Added Interface MaintenancesReadOptionalParams
  • Added Interface MaintenancesUpdateHeaders
  • Added Interface MaintenancesUpdateOptionalParams
  • Added Interface MaintenanceUpdate
  • Added Interface MySQLServerIdentity
  • Added Interface MySQLServerSku
  • Added Interface OperationProgressGetOptionalParams
  • Added Interface OperationProgressResponseType
  • Added Interface OperationProgressResult
  • Added Interface OperationResultsGetOptionalParams
  • Added Interface OperationStatusExtendedResult
  • Added Interface OperationStatusResult
  • Added Interface PrivateEndpoint
  • Added Interface PrivateEndpointConnection
  • Added Interface PrivateLinkServiceConnectionState
  • Added Interface Provisioning
  • Added Interface ServerBackupV2
  • Added Interface ServerBackupV2ListResult
  • Added Interface ServerEditionCapabilityV2
  • Added Interface ServerGtidSetParameter
  • Added Interface ServersCreateHeaders
  • Added Interface ServersDeleteHeaders
  • Added Interface ServersFailoverHeaders
  • Added Interface ServersMigrationCutoverMigrationHeaders
  • Added Interface ServersMigrationCutoverMigrationOptionalParams
  • Added Interface ServersResetGtidHeaders
  • Added Interface ServersResetGtidOptionalParams
  • Added Interface ServersRestartHeaders
  • Added Interface ServersStartHeaders
  • Added Interface ServersStopHeaders
  • Added Interface ServersUpdateHeaders
  • Added Interface ServersValidateEstimateHighAvailabilityOptionalParams
  • Added Interface ServerVersionCapabilityV2
  • Added Interface SkuCapabilityV2
  • Added Interface UserAssignedIdentity
  • Added Interface ValidateBackupResponse
  • Added Type Alias AdministratorName
  • Added Type Alias AdministratorType
  • Added Type Alias AdvancedThreatProtectionName
  • Added Type Alias AdvancedThreatProtectionProvisioningState
  • Added Type Alias AdvancedThreatProtectionSettingsGetResponse
  • Added Type Alias AdvancedThreatProtectionSettingsListNextResponse
  • Added Type Alias AdvancedThreatProtectionSettingsListResponse
  • Added Type Alias AdvancedThreatProtectionSettingsUpdatePutResponse
  • Added Type Alias AdvancedThreatProtectionSettingsUpdateResponse
  • Added Type Alias AdvancedThreatProtectionState
  • Added Type Alias AzureADAdministratorsCreateOrUpdateResponse
  • Added Type Alias AzureADAdministratorsGetResponse
  • Added Type Alias AzureADAdministratorsListByServerNextResponse
  • Added Type Alias AzureADAdministratorsListByServerResponse
  • Added Type Alias BackupAndExportCreateResponse
  • Added Type Alias BackupAndExportValidateBackupResponse
  • Added Type Alias BackupFormat
  • Added Type Alias BackupsPutResponse
  • Added Type Alias BackupStoreDetailsUnion
  • Added Type Alias BackupType
  • Added Type Alias CheckNameAvailabilityWithoutLocationExecuteResponse
  • Added Type Alias ConfigurationsCreateOrUpdateResponse
  • Added Type Alias DataEncryptionType
  • Added Type Alias ImportSourceStorageType
  • Added Type Alias LocationBasedCapabilitySetGetResponse
  • Added Type Alias LocationBasedCapabilitySetListNextResponse
  • Added Type Alias LocationBasedCapabilitySetListResponse
  • Added Type Alias LogFilesListByServerNextResponse
  • Added Type Alias LogFilesListByServerResponse
  • Added Type Alias LongRunningBackupCreateResponse
  • Added Type Alias LongRunningBackupsGetResponse
  • Added Type Alias LongRunningBackupsListNextResponse
  • Added Type Alias LongRunningBackupsListResponse
  • Added Type Alias MaintenanceProvisioningState
  • Added Type Alias MaintenancesListNextResponse
  • Added Type Alias MaintenancesListResponse
  • Added Type Alias MaintenancesReadResponse
  • Added Type Alias MaintenanceState
  • Added Type Alias MaintenancesUpdateResponse
  • Added Type Alias MaintenanceType
  • Added Type Alias ManagedServiceIdentityType
  • Added Type Alias ObjectType
  • Added Type Alias OperationProgressGetResponse
  • Added Type Alias OperationProgressResponseTypeUnion
  • Added Type Alias OperationResultsGetResponse
  • Added Type Alias OperationStatus
  • Added Type Alias PrivateEndpointConnectionProvisioningState
  • Added Type Alias PrivateEndpointServiceConnectionStatus
  • Added Type Alias ProvisioningState
  • Added Type Alias ResetAllToDefault
  • Added Type Alias ServerSkuTier
  • Added Type Alias ServersMigrationCutoverMigrationResponse
  • Added Type Alias ServersValidateEstimateHighAvailabilityResponse
  • Interface Backup has a new optional parameter backupIntervalHours
  • Interface Configuration has a new optional parameter currentValue
  • Interface Configuration has a new optional parameter documentationLink
  • Interface ConfigurationListForBatchUpdate has a new optional parameter resetAllToDefault
  • Interface ConfigurationsListByServerOptionalParams has a new optional parameter keyword
  • Interface ConfigurationsListByServerOptionalParams has a new optional parameter page
  • Interface ConfigurationsListByServerOptionalParams has a new optional parameter pageSize
  • Interface ConfigurationsListByServerOptionalParams has a new optional parameter tags
  • Interface ErrorResponse has a new optional parameter error
  • Interface Resource has a new optional parameter systemData
  • Interface Server has a new optional parameter dataEncryption
  • Interface Server has a new optional parameter identity
  • Interface Server has a new optional parameter importSourceProperties
  • Interface Server has a new optional parameter privateEndpointConnections
  • Interface ServerForUpdate has a new optional parameter dataEncryption
  • Interface ServerForUpdate has a new optional parameter identity
  • Interface ServerForUpdate has a new optional parameter network
  • Interface ServerForUpdate has a new optional parameter version
  • Interface Storage_2 has a new optional parameter autoIoScaling
  • Interface Storage_2 has a new optional parameter logOnDisk
  • Interface StorageEditionCapability has a new optional parameter maxBackupIntervalHours
  • Interface StorageEditionCapability has a new optional parameter minBackupIntervalHours
  • Interface VirtualNetworkSubnetUsageResult has a new optional parameter location
  • Interface VirtualNetworkSubnetUsageResult has a new optional parameter subscriptionId
  • Added Enum KnownAdministratorName
  • Added Enum KnownAdministratorType
  • Added Enum KnownAdvancedThreatProtectionName
  • Added Enum KnownAdvancedThreatProtectionProvisioningState
  • Added Enum KnownAdvancedThreatProtectionState
  • Added Enum KnownBackupFormat
  • Added Enum KnownBackupType
  • Added Enum KnownImportSourceStorageType
  • Added Enum KnownMaintenanceProvisioningState
  • Added Enum KnownMaintenanceState
  • Added Enum KnownMaintenanceType
  • Added Enum KnownManagedServiceIdentityType
  • Added Enum KnownObjectType
  • Added Enum KnownPrivateEndpointConnectionProvisioningState
  • Added Enum KnownPrivateEndpointServiceConnectionStatus
  • Added Enum KnownProvisioningState
  • Added Enum KnownResetAllToDefault
  • Added Enum KnownServerSkuTier

Breaking Changes

  • Class MySQLManagementFlexibleServerClient has a new signature
  • Interface Configuration no longer has parameter systemData
  • Interface Database no longer has parameter systemData
  • Interface ErrorResponse no longer has parameter additionalInfo
  • Interface ErrorResponse no longer has parameter code
  • Interface ErrorResponse no longer has parameter details
  • Interface ErrorResponse no longer has parameter message
  • Interface ErrorResponse no longer has parameter target
  • Interface FirewallRule no longer has parameter systemData
  • Interface MySQLManagementFlexibleServerClientOptionalParams no longer has parameter apiVersion
  • Interface Server no longer has parameter systemData
  • Interface ServerBackup no longer has parameter systemData
  • Type of parameter sku of interface Server is changed from Sku to MySQLServerSku
  • Type of parameter sku of interface ServerForUpdate is changed from Sku to MySQLServerSku
  • Class MySQLManagementFlexibleServerClient no longer has parameter apiVersion
  • Removed Enum KnownSkuTier

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