github Azure/azure-sdk-for-js @azure/arm-mobilenetwork_6.0.0

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11 days ago

6.0.0 (2024-06-07)

Features Added

  • Added operation group RoutingInfo
  • Added operation MobileNetworks.listSimGroups
  • Added operation Sims.beginClone
  • Added operation Sims.beginCloneAndWait
  • Added operation Sims.beginMove
  • Added operation Sims.beginMoveAndWait
  • Added Interface Ipv4Route
  • Added Interface Ipv4RouteNextHop
  • Added Interface MobileNetworksListSimGroupsNextOptionalParams
  • Added Interface MobileNetworksListSimGroupsOptionalParams
  • Added Interface RoutingInfoGetOptionalParams
  • Added Interface RoutingInfoListNextOptionalParams
  • Added Interface RoutingInfoListOptionalParams
  • Added Interface RoutingInfoListResult
  • Added Interface RoutingInfoModel
  • Added Interface SimClone
  • Added Interface SimMove
  • Added Interface SimsCloneHeaders
  • Added Interface SimsCloneOptionalParams
  • Added Interface SimsMoveHeaders
  • Added Interface SimsMoveOptionalParams
  • Added Interface UserConsentConfiguration
  • Added Interface UserPlaneDataRoutesItem
  • Added Type Alias MobileNetworksListSimGroupsNextResponse
  • Added Type Alias MobileNetworksListSimGroupsResponse
  • Added Type Alias NasEncryptionType
  • Added Type Alias RoutingInfoGetResponse
  • Added Type Alias RoutingInfoListNextResponse
  • Added Type Alias RoutingInfoListResponse
  • Added Type Alias SimsCloneResponse
  • Added Type Alias SimsMoveResponse
  • Interface InterfaceProperties has a new optional parameter bfdIpv4Endpoints
  • Interface InterfaceProperties has a new optional parameter ipv4AddressList
  • Interface InterfaceProperties has a new optional parameter vlanId
  • Interface PacketCoreControlPlane has a new optional parameter userConsent
  • Interface Platform has a new optional parameter haUpgradesAvailable
  • Interface SignalingConfiguration has a new optional parameter nasEncryption
  • Added Enum KnownNasEncryptionType

Breaking Changes

  • Type of parameter userAssignedIdentities of interface ManagedServiceIdentity is changed from {
    [propertyName: string]: UserAssignedIdentity;
    } to {
    [propertyName: string]: UserAssignedIdentity | null;

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