github Azure/azure-sdk-for-js @azure/arm-hybridcontainerservice_1.0.0-beta.3

latest releases: @azure/identity_4.5.0-beta.3, @azure/openai_1.0.0-beta.13, @azure/openai-assistants_1.0.0-beta.6...
pre-release10 months ago

1.0.0-beta.3 (2023-11-23)


  • Added operation group KubernetesVersions
  • Added operation group ProvisionedClusterInstances
  • Added operation group VirtualNetworks
  • Added operation group VMSkus
  • Added operation AgentPoolOperations.beginDelete
  • Added operation AgentPoolOperations.beginDeleteAndWait
  • Added operation AgentPoolOperations.beginUpdate
  • Added operation AgentPoolOperations.beginUpdateAndWait
  • Added operation HybridIdentityMetadataOperations.beginDelete
  • Added operation HybridIdentityMetadataOperations.beginDeleteAndWait
  • Added Interface AddonStatusProfile
  • Added Interface AgentPoolDeleteHeaders
  • Added Interface AgentPoolPatch
  • Added Interface AgentPoolProvisioningStatusOperationStatus
  • Added Interface AgentPoolProvisioningStatusOperationStatusError
  • Added Interface AgentPoolUpdateHeaders
  • Added Interface AgentPoolUpdateProfile
  • Added Interface CredentialResult
  • Added Interface DeleteKubernetesVersionsOptionalParams
  • Added Interface DeleteVMSkusOptionalParams
  • Added Interface ExtendedLocation
  • Added Interface GetKubernetesVersionsOptionalParams
  • Added Interface GetVMSkusOptionalParams
  • Added Interface HybridContainerServiceClientDeleteKubernetesVersionsHeaders
  • Added Interface HybridContainerServiceClientDeleteVMSkusHeaders
  • Added Interface HybridIdentityMetadataDeleteHeaders
  • Added Interface KubernetesPatchVersions
  • Added Interface KubernetesVersionCapabilities
  • Added Interface KubernetesVersionProfile
  • Added Interface KubernetesVersionProfileList
  • Added Interface KubernetesVersionProfileProperties
  • Added Interface KubernetesVersionProperties
  • Added Interface KubernetesVersionReadiness
  • Added Interface KubernetesVersionsListNextOptionalParams
  • Added Interface KubernetesVersionsListOptionalParams
  • Added Interface ListCredentialResponse
  • Added Interface ListCredentialResponseError
  • Added Interface ListCredentialResponseProperties
  • Added Interface NetworkProfileLoadBalancerProfile
  • Added Interface Operation
  • Added Interface OperationDisplay
  • Added Interface OperationListResult
  • Added Interface ProvisionedClusterInstancesCreateOrUpdateOptionalParams
  • Added Interface ProvisionedClusterInstancesDeleteHeaders
  • Added Interface ProvisionedClusterInstancesDeleteOptionalParams
  • Added Interface ProvisionedClusterInstancesGetOptionalParams
  • Added Interface ProvisionedClusterInstancesGetUpgradeProfileOptionalParams
  • Added Interface ProvisionedClusterInstancesListAdminKubeconfigHeaders
  • Added Interface ProvisionedClusterInstancesListAdminKubeconfigOptionalParams
  • Added Interface ProvisionedClusterInstancesListNextOptionalParams
  • Added Interface ProvisionedClusterInstancesListOptionalParams
  • Added Interface ProvisionedClusterInstancesListUserKubeconfigHeaders
  • Added Interface ProvisionedClusterInstancesListUserKubeconfigOptionalParams
  • Added Interface ProvisionedClusterLicenseProfile
  • Added Interface ProvisionedClusterProperties
  • Added Interface ProvisionedClusterPropertiesStatus
  • Added Interface ProvisionedClusterPropertiesStatusOperationStatus
  • Added Interface ProvisionedClusterPropertiesStatusOperationStatusError
  • Added Interface ProvisionedClustersListResult
  • Added Interface PutKubernetesVersionsOptionalParams
  • Added Interface PutVMSkusOptionalParams
  • Added Interface VirtualNetwork
  • Added Interface VirtualNetworkExtendedLocation
  • Added Interface VirtualNetworkProperties
  • Added Interface VirtualNetworkPropertiesInfraVnetProfile
  • Added Interface VirtualNetworkPropertiesInfraVnetProfileHci
  • Added Interface VirtualNetworkPropertiesInfraVnetProfileVmware
  • Added Interface VirtualNetworkPropertiesStatus
  • Added Interface VirtualNetworkPropertiesStatusOperationStatus
  • Added Interface VirtualNetworkPropertiesStatusOperationStatusError
  • Added Interface VirtualNetworkPropertiesVipPoolItem
  • Added Interface VirtualNetworkPropertiesVmipPoolItem
  • Added Interface VirtualNetworksDeleteHeaders
  • Added Interface VirtualNetworksUpdateHeaders
  • Added Interface VmSkuCapabilities
  • Added Interface VmSkuProfile
  • Added Interface VmSkuProfileList
  • Added Interface VmSkuProfileProperties
  • Added Interface VmSkuProperties
  • Added Interface VMSkusListNextOptionalParams
  • Added Interface VMSkusListOptionalParams
  • Added Type Alias ActionType
  • Added Type Alias AddonPhase
  • Added Type Alias AgentPoolDeleteResponse
  • Added Type Alias AzureHybridBenefit
  • Added Type Alias DeleteKubernetesVersionsResponse
  • Added Type Alias DeleteVMSkusResponse
  • Added Type Alias ExtendedLocationTypes
  • Added Type Alias GetKubernetesVersionsResponse
  • Added Type Alias GetVMSkusResponse
  • Added Type Alias HybridIdentityMetadataDeleteResponse
  • Added Type Alias KubernetesVersionsListNextResponse
  • Added Type Alias KubernetesVersionsListResponse
  • Added Type Alias Origin
  • Added Type Alias Ossku
  • Added Type Alias ProvisionedClusterInstancesCreateOrUpdateResponse
  • Added Type Alias ProvisionedClusterInstancesDeleteResponse
  • Added Type Alias ProvisionedClusterInstancesGetResponse
  • Added Type Alias ProvisionedClusterInstancesGetUpgradeProfileResponse
  • Added Type Alias ProvisionedClusterInstancesListAdminKubeconfigResponse
  • Added Type Alias ProvisionedClusterInstancesListNextResponse
  • Added Type Alias ProvisionedClusterInstancesListResponse
  • Added Type Alias ProvisionedClusterInstancesListUserKubeconfigResponse
  • Added Type Alias PutKubernetesVersionsResponse
  • Added Type Alias PutVMSkusResponse
  • Added Type Alias ResourceProvisioningState
  • Added Type Alias VirtualNetworksDeleteResponse
  • Added Type Alias VMSkusListNextResponse
  • Added Type Alias VMSkusListResponse
  • Interface AgentPool has a new optional parameter osSKU
  • Interface AgentPoolDeleteOptionalParams has a new optional parameter resumeFrom
  • Interface AgentPoolDeleteOptionalParams has a new optional parameter updateIntervalInMs
  • Interface AgentPoolProfile has a new optional parameter osSKU
  • Interface AgentPoolProvisioningStatusStatus has a new optional parameter operationStatus
  • Interface AgentPoolUpdateOptionalParams has a new optional parameter resumeFrom
  • Interface AgentPoolUpdateOptionalParams has a new optional parameter updateIntervalInMs
  • Interface HybridIdentityMetadataDeleteOptionalParams has a new optional parameter resumeFrom
  • Interface HybridIdentityMetadataDeleteOptionalParams has a new optional parameter updateIntervalInMs
  • Interface Resource has a new optional parameter systemData
  • Interface VirtualNetworksDeleteOptionalParams has a new optional parameter resumeFrom
  • Interface VirtualNetworksDeleteOptionalParams has a new optional parameter updateIntervalInMs
  • Added Enum KnownActionType
  • Added Enum KnownAddonPhase
  • Added Enum KnownAzureHybridBenefit
  • Added Enum KnownExtendedLocationTypes
  • Added Enum KnownOrigin
  • Added Enum KnownOssku
  • Added Enum KnownResourceProvisioningState

Breaking Changes

  • Removed operation group HybridContainerService
  • Removed operation group ProvisionedClustersOperations
  • Removed operation group StorageSpacesOperations
  • Removed operation group VirtualNetworksOperations
  • Removed operation AgentPoolOperations.delete
  • Removed operation AgentPoolOperations.update
  • Removed operation HybridIdentityMetadataOperations.delete
  • Operation AgentPoolOperations.beginCreateOrUpdate has a new signature
  • Operation AgentPoolOperations.beginCreateOrUpdateAndWait has a new signature
  • Operation AgentPoolOperations.get has a new signature
  • Operation AgentPoolOperations.listByProvisionedCluster has a new signature
  • Operation HybridIdentityMetadataOperations.get has a new signature
  • Operation HybridIdentityMetadataOperations.listByCluster has a new signature
  • Operation HybridIdentityMetadataOperations.put has a new signature
  • Class HybridContainerServiceClient has a new signature
  • Interface AgentPool no longer has parameter cloudProviderProfile
  • Interface AgentPool no longer has parameter maxCount
  • Interface AgentPool no longer has parameter maxPods
  • Interface AgentPool no longer has parameter minCount
  • Interface AgentPool no longer has parameter mode
  • Interface AgentPool no longer has parameter nodeLabels
  • Interface AgentPool no longer has parameter nodeTaints
  • Interface AgentPoolProfile no longer has parameter cloudProviderProfile
  • Interface AgentPoolProfile no longer has parameter count
  • Interface AgentPoolProfile no longer has parameter maxCount
  • Interface AgentPoolProfile no longer has parameter maxPods
  • Interface AgentPoolProfile no longer has parameter minCount
  • Interface AgentPoolProfile no longer has parameter mode
  • Interface AgentPoolProfile no longer has parameter nodeLabels
  • Interface AgentPoolProfile no longer has parameter nodeTaints
  • Interface AgentPoolProfile no longer has parameter vmSize
  • Interface AgentPoolProvisioningStatusStatus no longer has parameter provisioningStatus
  • Interface AgentPoolProvisioningStatusStatus no longer has parameter replicas
  • Interface CloudProviderProfile no longer has parameter infraStorageProfile
  • Interface HybridIdentityMetadata no longer has parameter identity
  • Interface HybridIdentityMetadata no longer has parameter systemData
  • Interface LinuxProfileProperties no longer has parameter adminUsername
  • Interface NetworkProfile no longer has parameter dnsServiceIP
  • Interface NetworkProfile no longer has parameter loadBalancerSku
  • Interface NetworkProfile no longer has parameter podCidrs
  • Interface NetworkProfile no longer has parameter serviceCidr
  • Interface NetworkProfile no longer has parameter serviceCidrs
  • Interface ProvisionedClusters no longer has parameter identity
  • Interface ProvisionedClusters no longer has parameter systemData
  • Type of parameter extendedLocation of interface AgentPool is changed from AgentPoolExtendedLocation to ExtendedLocation
  • Type of parameter provisioningState of interface AgentPool is changed from AgentPoolProvisioningState to ResourceProvisioningState
  • Type of parameter provisioningState of interface AgentPoolProvisioningStatus is changed from AgentPoolProvisioningState to ResourceProvisioningState
  • Type of parameter readyReplicas of interface AgentPoolProvisioningStatusStatus is changed from number to AgentPoolUpdateProfile[]
  • Type of parameter port of interface ControlPlaneEndpointProfileControlPlaneEndpoint is changed from string to number
  • Type of parameter provisioningState of interface HybridIdentityMetadata is changed from string to ResourceProvisioningState
  • Type of parameter loadBalancerProfile of interface NetworkProfile is changed from LoadBalancerProfile to NetworkProfileLoadBalancerProfile
  • Type of parameter extendedLocation of interface ProvisionedClusters is changed from ProvisionedClustersExtendedLocation to ExtendedLocation
  • Type of parameter properties of interface ProvisionedClusters is changed from ProvisionedClustersAllProperties to ProvisionedClusterProperties
  • Type of parameter provisioningState of interface ProvisionedClusterUpgradeProfile is changed from string to ResourceProvisioningState
  • Type of parameter value of interface VirtualNetworksListResult is changed from VirtualNetworks[] to VirtualNetwork[]
  • Class HybridContainerServiceClient no longer has parameter hybridContainerService
  • Class HybridContainerServiceClient no longer has parameter provisionedClustersOperations
  • Class HybridContainerServiceClient no longer has parameter storageSpacesOperations
  • Class HybridContainerServiceClient no longer has parameter virtualNetworksOperations
  • Removed Enum KnownAgentPoolProvisioningState
  • Removed Enum KnownAutoUpgradeOptions
  • Removed Enum KnownDeploymentState
  • Removed Enum KnownLicenseType
  • Removed Enum KnownLoadBalancerSku
  • Removed Enum KnownMode

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