1.0.0-beta.2 (2024-12-12)
Compared with version 1.0.0-beta.1
Features Added
- Added operation group BillingContainersOperations
- Added operation group DiscoveredAssetEndpointProfilesOperations
- Added operation group DiscoveredAssetsOperations
- Added operation group SchemaRegistriesOperations
- Added operation group SchemasOperations
- Added operation group SchemaVersionsOperations
- Added operation AssetEndpointProfilesOperations.createOrReplace
- Added operation AssetEndpointProfilesOperations.delete
- Added operation AssetEndpointProfilesOperations.update
- Added operation AssetsOperations.createOrReplace
- Added operation AssetsOperations.delete
- Added operation AssetsOperations.update
- Added Interface AssetEndpointProfileStatus
- Added Interface AssetEndpointProfileStatusError
- Added Interface AssetStatusDataset
- Added Interface AssetStatusEvent
- Added Interface Authentication
- Added Interface BillingContainer
- Added Interface BillingContainerProperties
- Added Interface BillingContainersGetOptionalParams
- Added Interface BillingContainersListBySubscriptionOptionalParams
- Added Interface DataPointBase
- Added Interface Dataset
- Added Interface DiscoveredAsset
- Added Interface DiscoveredAssetEndpointProfile
- Added Interface DiscoveredAssetEndpointProfileProperties
- Added Interface DiscoveredAssetEndpointProfilesCreateOrReplaceOptionalParams
- Added Interface DiscoveredAssetEndpointProfilesDeleteOptionalParams
- Added Interface DiscoveredAssetEndpointProfilesGetOptionalParams
- Added Interface DiscoveredAssetEndpointProfilesListByResourceGroupOptionalParams
- Added Interface DiscoveredAssetEndpointProfilesListBySubscriptionOptionalParams
- Added Interface DiscoveredAssetEndpointProfilesUpdateOptionalParams
- Added Interface DiscoveredAssetEndpointProfileUpdate
- Added Interface DiscoveredAssetEndpointProfileUpdateProperties
- Added Interface DiscoveredAssetProperties
- Added Interface DiscoveredAssetsCreateOrReplaceOptionalParams
- Added Interface DiscoveredAssetsDeleteOptionalParams
- Added Interface DiscoveredAssetsGetOptionalParams
- Added Interface DiscoveredAssetsListByResourceGroupOptionalParams
- Added Interface DiscoveredAssetsListBySubscriptionOptionalParams
- Added Interface DiscoveredAssetsUpdateOptionalParams
- Added Interface DiscoveredAssetUpdate
- Added Interface DiscoveredAssetUpdateProperties
- Added Interface DiscoveredDataPoint
- Added Interface DiscoveredDataset
- Added Interface DiscoveredEvent
- Added Interface EventBase
- Added Interface MessageSchemaReference
- Added Interface PagedAsyncIterableIterator
- Added Interface PageSettings
- Added Interface ProxyResource
- Added Interface RestorePollerOptions
- Added Interface Schema
- Added Interface SchemaProperties
- Added Interface SchemaRegistriesCreateOrReplaceOptionalParams
- Added Interface SchemaRegistriesDeleteOptionalParams
- Added Interface SchemaRegistriesGetOptionalParams
- Added Interface SchemaRegistriesListByResourceGroupOptionalParams
- Added Interface SchemaRegistriesListBySubscriptionOptionalParams
- Added Interface SchemaRegistriesUpdateOptionalParams
- Added Interface SchemaRegistry
- Added Interface SchemaRegistryProperties
- Added Interface SchemaRegistryUpdate
- Added Interface SchemaRegistryUpdateProperties
- Added Interface SchemasCreateOrReplaceOptionalParams
- Added Interface SchemasDeleteOptionalParams
- Added Interface SchemasGetOptionalParams
- Added Interface SchemasListBySchemaRegistryOptionalParams
- Added Interface SchemaVersion
- Added Interface SchemaVersionProperties
- Added Interface SchemaVersionsCreateOrReplaceOptionalParams
- Added Interface SchemaVersionsDeleteOptionalParams
- Added Interface SchemaVersionsGetOptionalParams
- Added Interface SchemaVersionsListBySchemaOptionalParams
- Added Interface SystemAssignedServiceIdentity
- Added Interface Topic
- Added Type Alias AuthenticationMethod
- Added Type Alias ContinuablePage
- Added Type Alias DataPointObservabilityMode
- Added Type Alias EventObservabilityMode
- Added Type Alias Format
- Added Type Alias SchemaType
- Added Type Alias SystemAssignedServiceIdentityType
- Added Type Alias TopicRetainType
- Interface AssetEndpointProfileProperties has a new optional parameter authentication
- Interface AssetEndpointProfileProperties has a new optional parameter discoveredAssetEndpointProfileRef
- Interface AssetEndpointProfileProperties has a new optional parameter status
- Interface AssetEndpointProfileUpdateProperties has a new optional parameter authentication
- Interface AssetEndpointProfileUpdateProperties has a new optional parameter endpointProfileType
- Interface AssetProperties has a new optional parameter datasets
- Interface AssetProperties has a new optional parameter defaultDatasetsConfiguration
- Interface AssetProperties has a new optional parameter defaultTopic
- Interface AssetProperties has a new optional parameter discoveredAssetRefs
- Interface AssetStatus has a new optional parameter datasets
- Interface AssetStatus has a new optional parameter events
- Interface AssetUpdateProperties has a new optional parameter datasets
- Interface AssetUpdateProperties has a new optional parameter defaultDatasetsConfiguration
- Interface AssetUpdateProperties has a new optional parameter defaultTopic
- Added Enum KnownAuthenticationMethod
- Added Enum KnownDataPointObservabilityMode
- Added Enum KnownEventObservabilityMode
- Added Enum KnownFormat
- Added Enum KnownSchemaType
- Added Enum KnownSystemAssignedServiceIdentityType
- Added Enum KnownTopicRetainType
- Added Enum KnownVersions
- Enum KnownOrigin has a new value "user,system"
- Enum KnownOrigin has a new value system
- Enum KnownOrigin has a new value user
- Enum KnownProvisioningState has a new value Deleting
- Added function restorePoller
Breaking Changes
- Removed operation AssetEndpointProfiles.beginCreateOrReplace
- Removed operation AssetEndpointProfiles.beginCreateOrReplaceAndWait
- Removed operation AssetEndpointProfiles.beginDelete
- Removed operation AssetEndpointProfiles.beginDeleteAndWait
- Removed operation AssetEndpointProfiles.beginUpdate
- Removed operation AssetEndpointProfiles.beginUpdateAndWait
- Removed operation Assets.beginCreateOrReplace
- Removed operation Assets.beginCreateOrReplaceAndWait
- Removed operation Assets.beginDelete
- Removed operation Assets.beginDeleteAndWait
- Removed operation Assets.beginUpdate
- Removed operation Assets.beginUpdateAndWait
- Class DeviceRegistryManagementClient has a new signature
- Interface AssetEndpointProfileProperties no longer has parameter transportAuthentication
- Interface AssetEndpointProfileProperties no longer has parameter userAuthentication
- Interface AssetEndpointProfilesCreateOrReplaceOptionalParams no longer has parameter resumeFrom
- Interface AssetEndpointProfilesDeleteOptionalParams no longer has parameter resumeFrom
- Interface AssetEndpointProfilesUpdateOptionalParams no longer has parameter resumeFrom
- Interface AssetEndpointProfileUpdateProperties no longer has parameter transportAuthentication
- Interface AssetEndpointProfileUpdateProperties no longer has parameter userAuthentication
- Interface AssetProperties no longer has parameter assetEndpointProfileUri
- Interface AssetProperties no longer has parameter assetType
- Interface AssetProperties no longer has parameter dataPoints
- Interface AssetProperties no longer has parameter defaultDataPointsConfiguration
- Interface AssetsCreateOrReplaceOptionalParams no longer has parameter resumeFrom
- Interface AssetsDeleteOptionalParams no longer has parameter resumeFrom
- Interface AssetsUpdateOptionalParams no longer has parameter resumeFrom
- Interface AssetUpdateProperties no longer has parameter assetType
- Interface AssetUpdateProperties no longer has parameter dataPoints
- Interface AssetUpdateProperties no longer has parameter defaultDataPointsConfiguration
- Interface DataPoint no longer has parameter capabilityId
- Interface DeviceRegistryManagementClientOptionalParams no longer has parameter $host
- Interface DeviceRegistryManagementClientOptionalParams no longer has parameter endpoint
- Interface Event_2 no longer has parameter capabilityId
- Interface UsernamePasswordCredentials no longer has parameter passwordReference
- Interface UsernamePasswordCredentials no longer has parameter usernameReference
- Interface X509Credentials no longer has parameter certificateReference
- Interface AssetEndpointProfileProperties has a new required parameter endpointProfileType
- Interface AssetProperties has a new required parameter assetEndpointProfileRef
- Interface UsernamePasswordCredentials has a new required parameter passwordSecretName
- Interface UsernamePasswordCredentials has a new required parameter usernameSecretName
- Interface X509Credentials has a new required parameter certificateSecretName
- Type of parameter tags of interface AssetEndpointProfileUpdate is changed from {
[propertyName: string]: string;
} to Record<string, string> - Type of parameter attributes of interface AssetProperties is changed from {
[propertyName: string]: any;
} to Record<string, any> - Type of parameter tags of interface AssetUpdate is changed from {
[propertyName: string]: string;
} to Record<string, string> - Type of parameter attributes of interface AssetUpdateProperties is changed from {
[propertyName: string]: any;
} to Record<string, any> - Type of parameter observabilityMode of interface DataPoint is changed from DataPointsObservabilityMode to DataPointObservabilityMode
- Type of parameter info of interface ErrorAdditionalInfo is changed from Record<string, unknown> to Record<string, any>
- Type of parameter observabilityMode of interface Event_2 is changed from EventsObservabilityMode to EventObservabilityMode
- Type of parameter tags of interface TrackedResource is changed from {
[propertyName: string]: string;
} to Record<string, string> - Class DeviceRegistryManagementClient no longer has parameter $host
- Class DeviceRegistryManagementClient no longer has parameter apiVersion
- Class DeviceRegistryManagementClient no longer has parameter subscriptionId
- Removed Enum KnownDataPointsObservabilityMode
- Removed Enum KnownEventsObservabilityMode
- Removed Enum KnownUserAuthenticationMode
- Enum KnownOrigin no longer has value System
- Enum KnownOrigin no longer has value User
- Enum KnownOrigin no longer has value UserSystem
- Removed function getContinuationToken