github Azure/azure-sdk-for-js @azure/arm-datafactory_13.0.0

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5 months ago

13.0.0 (2023-12-28)


  • Added Interface SalesforceServiceCloudV2LinkedService
  • Added Interface SalesforceServiceCloudV2ObjectDataset
  • Added Interface SalesforceServiceCloudV2Sink
  • Added Interface SalesforceServiceCloudV2Source
  • Added Interface SalesforceV2LinkedService
  • Added Interface SalesforceV2ObjectDataset
  • Added Interface SalesforceV2Sink
  • Added Interface SalesforceV2Source
  • Added Type Alias SalesforceV2SinkWriteBehavior
  • Added Type Alias SalesforceV2SourceReadBehavior
  • Interface MariaDBLinkedService has a new optional parameter database
  • Interface MariaDBLinkedService has a new optional parameter driverVersion
  • Interface MariaDBLinkedService has a new optional parameter password
  • Interface MariaDBLinkedService has a new optional parameter port
  • Interface MariaDBLinkedService has a new optional parameter server
  • Interface MariaDBLinkedService has a new optional parameter username
  • Interface MySqlLinkedService has a new optional parameter database
  • Interface MySqlLinkedService has a new optional parameter driverVersion
  • Interface MySqlLinkedService has a new optional parameter port
  • Interface MySqlLinkedService has a new optional parameter server
  • Interface MySqlLinkedService has a new optional parameter sslMode
  • Interface MySqlLinkedService has a new optional parameter username
  • Interface MySqlLinkedService has a new optional parameter useSystemTrustStore
  • Interface StoreWriteSettings has a new optional parameter metadata
  • Interface WebActivity has a new optional parameter httpRequestTimeout
  • Interface WebActivity has a new optional parameter turnOffAsync
  • Type of parameter type of interface CopySink has two new values "SalesforceV2Sink" | "SalesforceServiceCloudV2Sink"
  • Type of parameter type of interface CopySource has two new values "SalesforceV2Source" | "SalesforceServiceCloudV2Source"
  • Type of parameter type of interface Dataset has two new values "SalesforceV2Object" | "SalesforceServiceCloudV2Object"
  • Type of parameter type of interface LinkedService has two new values "SalesforceV2" | "SalesforceServiceCloudV2"
  • Type of parameter type of interface TabularSource has a new value "SalesforceV2Source"
  • Added Enum KnownSalesforceV2SinkWriteBehavior
  • Added Enum KnownSalesforceV2SourceReadBehavior

Breaking Changes

  • Interface MariaDBLinkedService no longer has parameter pwd

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