github Azure/azure-sdk-for-js @azure/arm-chaos_1.0.0-beta.4

latest releases: @azure/arm-oracledatabase_1.0.0, @azure-rest/ai-translation-document_1.0.0-beta.2, @azure-rest/ai-inference_1.0.0-beta.1...
pre-release10 months ago

1.0.0-beta.4 (2023-08-04)


  • Added operation Experiments.update
  • Added Interface ExperimentsUpdateOptionalParams
  • Added Interface ExperimentUpdate
  • Added Interface ListSelector
  • Added Interface QuerySelector
  • Added Interface UserAssignedIdentity
  • Added Type Alias ExperimentsUpdateResponse
  • Added Type Alias SelectorUnion
  • Added Type Alias TargetReferenceType
  • Interface CapabilityType has a new optional parameter azureRbacActions
  • Interface CapabilityType has a new optional parameter azureRbacDataActions
  • Interface ResourceIdentity has a new optional parameter userAssignedIdentities
  • Added Enum KnownSelectorType
  • Added Enum KnownTargetReferenceType
  • Class ChaosManagementClient has a new signature

Breaking Changes

  • Interface Selector no longer has parameter targets
  • Type of parameter selectors of interface Experiment is changed from Selector[] to SelectorUnion[]
  • Type of parameter type of interface Selector is changed from SelectorType to "List" | "Query"
  • Type of parameter type of interface TargetReference is changed from "ChaosTarget" to TargetReferenceType

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