github Azure/azure-sdk-for-js @azure/arm-appplatform_3.0.0

latest releases: @azure-rest/ai-translation-document_1.0.0-beta.2, @azure-rest/ai-inference_1.0.0-beta.1, @azure-rest/ai-translation-document_1.0.0-beta.1...
5 months ago

3.0.0 (2024-01-10)


  • Added operation group ApiPortalCustomDomains
  • Added operation group ApiPortals
  • Added operation group Apms
  • Added operation group ApplicationAccelerators
  • Added operation group ApplicationLiveViews
  • Added operation group ContainerRegistries
  • Added operation group CustomizedAccelerators
  • Added operation group DevToolPortals
  • Added operation group GatewayCustomDomains
  • Added operation group GatewayRouteConfigs
  • Added operation group Gateways
  • Added operation group PredefinedAccelerators
  • Added operation group Storages
  • Added operation BuildpackBinding.listForCluster
  • Added operation BuildServiceBuilder.listDeployments
  • Added operation BuildServiceOperations.beginCreateOrUpdate
  • Added operation BuildServiceOperations.beginCreateOrUpdateAndWait
  • Added operation BuildServiceOperations.beginDeleteBuild
  • Added operation BuildServiceOperations.beginDeleteBuildAndWait
  • Added operation ConfigurationServices.beginValidateResource
  • Added operation ConfigurationServices.beginValidateResourceAndWait
  • Added operation Deployments.beginDisableRemoteDebugging
  • Added operation Deployments.beginDisableRemoteDebuggingAndWait
  • Added operation Deployments.beginEnableRemoteDebugging
  • Added operation Deployments.beginEnableRemoteDebuggingAndWait
  • Added operation Deployments.getRemoteDebuggingConfig
  • Added operation Services.beginDisableApmGlobally
  • Added operation Services.beginDisableApmGloballyAndWait
  • Added operation Services.beginEnableApmGlobally
  • Added operation Services.beginEnableApmGloballyAndWait
  • Added operation Services.beginFlushVnetDnsSetting
  • Added operation Services.beginFlushVnetDnsSettingAndWait
  • Added operation Services.beginStart
  • Added operation Services.beginStartAndWait
  • Added operation Services.beginStop
  • Added operation Services.beginStopAndWait
  • Added operation Services.listGloballyEnabledApms
  • Added operation Services.listSupportedApmTypes
  • Added operation Services.listSupportedServerVersions
  • Added Interface AcceleratorAuthSetting
  • Added Interface AcceleratorBasicAuthSetting
  • Added Interface AcceleratorGitRepository
  • Added Interface AcceleratorPublicSetting
  • Added Interface AcceleratorSshSetting
  • Added Interface ApiPortalCustomDomainProperties
  • Added Interface ApiPortalCustomDomainResource
  • Added Interface ApiPortalCustomDomainResourceCollection
  • Added Interface ApiPortalCustomDomainsCreateOrUpdateOptionalParams
  • Added Interface ApiPortalCustomDomainsDeleteOptionalParams
  • Added Interface ApiPortalCustomDomainsGetOptionalParams
  • Added Interface ApiPortalCustomDomainsListNextOptionalParams
  • Added Interface ApiPortalCustomDomainsListOptionalParams
  • Added Interface ApiPortalInstance
  • Added Interface ApiPortalProperties
  • Added Interface ApiPortalResource
  • Added Interface ApiPortalResourceCollection
  • Added Interface ApiPortalResourceRequests
  • Added Interface ApiPortalsCreateOrUpdateOptionalParams
  • Added Interface ApiPortalsDeleteOptionalParams
  • Added Interface ApiPortalsGetOptionalParams
  • Added Interface ApiPortalsListNextOptionalParams
  • Added Interface ApiPortalsListOptionalParams
  • Added Interface ApiPortalsValidateDomainOptionalParams
  • Added Interface ApmProperties
  • Added Interface ApmReference
  • Added Interface ApmResource
  • Added Interface ApmResourceCollection
  • Added Interface ApmsCreateOrUpdateOptionalParams
  • Added Interface ApmsDeleteHeaders
  • Added Interface ApmsDeleteOptionalParams
  • Added Interface ApmSecretKeys
  • Added Interface ApmsGetOptionalParams
  • Added Interface ApmsListNextOptionalParams
  • Added Interface ApmsListOptionalParams
  • Added Interface ApmsListSecretKeysOptionalParams
  • Added Interface ApplicationAcceleratorComponent
  • Added Interface ApplicationAcceleratorInstance
  • Added Interface ApplicationAcceleratorProperties
  • Added Interface ApplicationAcceleratorResource
  • Added Interface ApplicationAcceleratorResourceCollection
  • Added Interface ApplicationAcceleratorResourceRequests
  • Added Interface ApplicationAcceleratorsCreateOrUpdateOptionalParams
  • Added Interface ApplicationAcceleratorsDeleteHeaders
  • Added Interface ApplicationAcceleratorsDeleteOptionalParams
  • Added Interface ApplicationAcceleratorsGetOptionalParams
  • Added Interface ApplicationAcceleratorsListNextOptionalParams
  • Added Interface ApplicationAcceleratorsListOptionalParams
  • Added Interface ApplicationLiveViewComponent
  • Added Interface ApplicationLiveViewInstance
  • Added Interface ApplicationLiveViewProperties
  • Added Interface ApplicationLiveViewResource
  • Added Interface ApplicationLiveViewResourceCollection
  • Added Interface ApplicationLiveViewResourceRequests
  • Added Interface ApplicationLiveViewsCreateOrUpdateOptionalParams
  • Added Interface ApplicationLiveViewsDeleteHeaders
  • Added Interface ApplicationLiveViewsDeleteOptionalParams
  • Added Interface ApplicationLiveViewsGetOptionalParams
  • Added Interface ApplicationLiveViewsListNextOptionalParams
  • Added Interface ApplicationLiveViewsListOptionalParams
  • Added Interface AppResource
  • Added Interface AppVNetAddons
  • Added Interface AzureFileVolume
  • Added Interface BindingResource
  • Added Interface Build
  • Added Interface BuilderResource
  • Added Interface BuildpackBindingListForClusterNextOptionalParams
  • Added Interface BuildpackBindingListForClusterOptionalParams
  • Added Interface BuildpackBindingResource
  • Added Interface BuildResourceRequests
  • Added Interface BuildResult
  • Added Interface BuildResultUserSourceInfo
  • Added Interface BuildService
  • Added Interface BuildServiceAgentPoolResource
  • Added Interface BuildServiceBuilderListDeploymentsOptionalParams
  • Added Interface BuildServiceCreateOrUpdateOptionalParams
  • Added Interface BuildServiceDeleteBuildHeaders
  • Added Interface BuildServiceDeleteBuildOptionalParams
  • Added Interface CertificateReference
  • Added Interface CertificateResource
  • Added Interface ConfigServerResource
  • Added Interface ConfigurationServiceResource
  • Added Interface ConfigurationServicesValidateResourceHeaders
  • Added Interface ConfigurationServicesValidateResourceOptionalParams
  • Added Interface ContainerProbeSettings
  • Added Interface ContainerRegistriesCreateOrUpdateOptionalParams
  • Added Interface ContainerRegistriesDeleteHeaders
  • Added Interface ContainerRegistriesDeleteOptionalParams
  • Added Interface ContainerRegistriesGetOptionalParams
  • Added Interface ContainerRegistriesListNextOptionalParams
  • Added Interface ContainerRegistriesListOptionalParams
  • Added Interface ContainerRegistriesValidateHeaders
  • Added Interface ContainerRegistriesValidateOptionalParams
  • Added Interface ContainerRegistryBasicCredentials
  • Added Interface ContainerRegistryCredentials
  • Added Interface ContainerRegistryProperties
  • Added Interface ContainerRegistryResource
  • Added Interface ContainerRegistryResourceCollection
  • Added Interface ContainerRegistryValidateResult
  • Added Interface ContentCertificateProperties
  • Added Interface CustomContainer
  • Added Interface CustomContainerUserSourceInfo
  • Added Interface CustomDomainResource
  • Added Interface CustomizedAcceleratorProperties
  • Added Interface CustomizedAcceleratorResource
  • Added Interface CustomizedAcceleratorResourceCollection
  • Added Interface CustomizedAcceleratorsCreateOrUpdateOptionalParams
  • Added Interface CustomizedAcceleratorsDeleteHeaders
  • Added Interface CustomizedAcceleratorsDeleteOptionalParams
  • Added Interface CustomizedAcceleratorsGetOptionalParams
  • Added Interface CustomizedAcceleratorsListNextOptionalParams
  • Added Interface CustomizedAcceleratorsListOptionalParams
  • Added Interface CustomizedAcceleratorsValidateHeaders
  • Added Interface CustomizedAcceleratorsValidateOptionalParams
  • Added Interface CustomizedAcceleratorValidateResult
  • Added Interface CustomPersistentDiskProperties
  • Added Interface CustomPersistentDiskResource
  • Added Interface DeploymentList
  • Added Interface DeploymentResource
  • Added Interface DeploymentsDisableRemoteDebuggingOptionalParams
  • Added Interface DeploymentsEnableRemoteDebuggingOptionalParams
  • Added Interface DeploymentsGetRemoteDebuggingConfigOptionalParams
  • Added Interface DevToolPortalComponent
  • Added Interface DevToolPortalFeatureDetail
  • Added Interface DevToolPortalFeatureSettings
  • Added Interface DevToolPortalInstance
  • Added Interface DevToolPortalProperties
  • Added Interface DevToolPortalResource
  • Added Interface DevToolPortalResourceCollection
  • Added Interface DevToolPortalResourceRequests
  • Added Interface DevToolPortalsCreateOrUpdateOptionalParams
  • Added Interface DevToolPortalsDeleteHeaders
  • Added Interface DevToolPortalsDeleteOptionalParams
  • Added Interface DevToolPortalsGetOptionalParams
  • Added Interface DevToolPortalsListNextOptionalParams
  • Added Interface DevToolPortalsListOptionalParams
  • Added Interface DevToolPortalSsoProperties
  • Added Interface ExecAction
  • Added Interface GatewayApiMetadataProperties
  • Added Interface GatewayApiRoute
  • Added Interface GatewayCorsProperties
  • Added Interface GatewayCustomDomainProperties
  • Added Interface GatewayCustomDomainResource
  • Added Interface GatewayCustomDomainResourceCollection
  • Added Interface GatewayCustomDomainsCreateOrUpdateOptionalParams
  • Added Interface GatewayCustomDomainsDeleteOptionalParams
  • Added Interface GatewayCustomDomainsGetOptionalParams
  • Added Interface GatewayCustomDomainsListNextOptionalParams
  • Added Interface GatewayCustomDomainsListOptionalParams
  • Added Interface GatewayInstance
  • Added Interface GatewayOperatorProperties
  • Added Interface GatewayOperatorResourceRequests
  • Added Interface GatewayProperties
  • Added Interface GatewayPropertiesClientAuth
  • Added Interface GatewayPropertiesEnvironmentVariables
  • Added Interface GatewayResource
  • Added Interface GatewayResourceCollection
  • Added Interface GatewayResourceRequests
  • Added Interface GatewayRouteConfigOpenApiProperties
  • Added Interface GatewayRouteConfigProperties
  • Added Interface GatewayRouteConfigResource
  • Added Interface GatewayRouteConfigResourceCollection
  • Added Interface GatewayRouteConfigsCreateOrUpdateOptionalParams
  • Added Interface GatewayRouteConfigsDeleteOptionalParams
  • Added Interface GatewayRouteConfigsGetOptionalParams
  • Added Interface GatewayRouteConfigsListNextOptionalParams
  • Added Interface GatewayRouteConfigsListOptionalParams
  • Added Interface GatewaysCreateOrUpdateOptionalParams
  • Added Interface GatewaysDeleteOptionalParams
  • Added Interface GatewaysGetOptionalParams
  • Added Interface GatewaysListEnvSecretsOptionalParams
  • Added Interface GatewaysListNextOptionalParams
  • Added Interface GatewaysListOptionalParams
  • Added Interface GatewaysRestartHeaders
  • Added Interface GatewaysRestartOptionalParams
  • Added Interface GatewaysValidateDomainOptionalParams
  • Added Interface GloballyEnabledApms
  • Added Interface HttpGetAction
  • Added Interface ImageRegistryCredential
  • Added Interface IngressConfig
  • Added Interface IngressSettings
  • Added Interface IngressSettingsClientAuth
  • Added Interface JarUploadedUserSourceInfo
  • Added Interface KeyVaultCertificateProperties
  • Added Interface MarketplaceResource
  • Added Interface MonitoringSettingResource
  • Added Interface NetCoreZipUploadedUserSourceInfo
  • Added Interface PredefinedAcceleratorProperties
  • Added Interface PredefinedAcceleratorResource
  • Added Interface PredefinedAcceleratorResourceCollection
  • Added Interface PredefinedAcceleratorsDisableHeaders
  • Added Interface PredefinedAcceleratorsDisableOptionalParams
  • Added Interface PredefinedAcceleratorsEnableHeaders
  • Added Interface PredefinedAcceleratorsEnableOptionalParams
  • Added Interface PredefinedAcceleratorsGetOptionalParams
  • Added Interface PredefinedAcceleratorsListNextOptionalParams
  • Added Interface PredefinedAcceleratorsListOptionalParams
  • Added Interface Probe
  • Added Interface ProbeAction
  • Added Interface ProxyResource
  • Added Interface RemoteDebugging
  • Added Interface RemoteDebuggingPayload
  • Added Interface ServiceRegistryResource
  • Added Interface ServiceResource
  • Added Interface ServicesDisableApmGloballyHeaders
  • Added Interface ServicesDisableApmGloballyOptionalParams
  • Added Interface ServicesEnableApmGloballyHeaders
  • Added Interface ServicesEnableApmGloballyOptionalParams
  • Added Interface ServicesFlushVnetDnsSettingHeaders
  • Added Interface ServicesFlushVnetDnsSettingOptionalParams
  • Added Interface ServicesListGloballyEnabledApmsOptionalParams
  • Added Interface ServicesListSupportedApmTypesNextOptionalParams
  • Added Interface ServicesListSupportedApmTypesOptionalParams
  • Added Interface ServicesListSupportedServerVersionsNextOptionalParams
  • Added Interface ServicesListSupportedServerVersionsOptionalParams
  • Added Interface ServicesStartOptionalParams
  • Added Interface ServicesStopOptionalParams
  • Added Interface ServiceVNetAddons
  • Added Interface SkuObject
  • Added Interface SourceUploadedUserSourceInfo
  • Added Interface SsoProperties
  • Added Interface StorageAccount
  • Added Interface StorageProperties
  • Added Interface StorageResource
  • Added Interface StorageResourceCollection
  • Added Interface StoragesCreateOrUpdateOptionalParams
  • Added Interface StoragesDeleteOptionalParams
  • Added Interface StoragesGetOptionalParams
  • Added Interface StoragesListNextOptionalParams
  • Added Interface StoragesListOptionalParams
  • Added Interface SupportedApmType
  • Added Interface SupportedApmTypes
  • Added Interface SupportedBuildpackResource
  • Added Interface SupportedServerVersion
  • Added Interface SupportedServerVersions
  • Added Interface SupportedStackResource
  • Added Interface TCPSocketAction
  • Added Interface TrackedResource
  • Added Interface UploadedUserSourceInfo
  • Added Interface UserAssignedManagedIdentity
  • Added Interface WarUploadedUserSourceInfo
  • Added Type Alias AcceleratorAuthSettingUnion
  • Added Type Alias ApiPortalApiTryOutEnabledState
  • Added Type Alias ApiPortalCustomDomainsCreateOrUpdateResponse
  • Added Type Alias ApiPortalCustomDomainsGetResponse
  • Added Type Alias ApiPortalCustomDomainsListNextResponse
  • Added Type Alias ApiPortalCustomDomainsListResponse
  • Added Type Alias ApiPortalProvisioningState
  • Added Type Alias ApiPortalsCreateOrUpdateResponse
  • Added Type Alias ApiPortalsGetResponse
  • Added Type Alias ApiPortalsListNextResponse
  • Added Type Alias ApiPortalsListResponse
  • Added Type Alias ApiPortalsValidateDomainResponse
  • Added Type Alias ApmProvisioningState
  • Added Type Alias ApmsCreateOrUpdateResponse
  • Added Type Alias ApmsDeleteResponse
  • Added Type Alias ApmsGetResponse
  • Added Type Alias ApmsListNextResponse
  • Added Type Alias ApmsListResponse
  • Added Type Alias ApmsListSecretKeysResponse
  • Added Type Alias ApplicationAcceleratorProvisioningState
  • Added Type Alias ApplicationAcceleratorsCreateOrUpdateResponse
  • Added Type Alias ApplicationAcceleratorsDeleteResponse
  • Added Type Alias ApplicationAcceleratorsGetResponse
  • Added Type Alias ApplicationAcceleratorsListNextResponse
  • Added Type Alias ApplicationAcceleratorsListResponse
  • Added Type Alias ApplicationLiveViewProvisioningState
  • Added Type Alias ApplicationLiveViewsCreateOrUpdateResponse
  • Added Type Alias ApplicationLiveViewsDeleteResponse
  • Added Type Alias ApplicationLiveViewsGetResponse
  • Added Type Alias ApplicationLiveViewsListNextResponse
  • Added Type Alias ApplicationLiveViewsListResponse
  • Added Type Alias BackendProtocol
  • Added Type Alias BuildpackBindingListForClusterNextResponse
  • Added Type Alias BuildpackBindingListForClusterResponse
  • Added Type Alias BuildServiceBuilderListDeploymentsResponse
  • Added Type Alias BuildServiceCreateOrUpdateResponse
  • Added Type Alias BuildServiceDeleteBuildResponse
  • Added Type Alias CertificateResourceProvisioningState
  • Added Type Alias ConfigurationServiceGeneration
  • Added Type Alias ConfigurationServicesValidateResourceResponse
  • Added Type Alias ContainerRegistriesCreateOrUpdateResponse
  • Added Type Alias ContainerRegistriesDeleteResponse
  • Added Type Alias ContainerRegistriesGetResponse
  • Added Type Alias ContainerRegistriesListNextResponse
  • Added Type Alias ContainerRegistriesListResponse
  • Added Type Alias ContainerRegistriesValidateResponse
  • Added Type Alias ContainerRegistryCredentialsUnion
  • Added Type Alias ContainerRegistryProvisioningState
  • Added Type Alias CustomDomainResourceProvisioningState
  • Added Type Alias CustomizedAcceleratorProvisioningState
  • Added Type Alias CustomizedAcceleratorsCreateOrUpdateResponse
  • Added Type Alias CustomizedAcceleratorsDeleteResponse
  • Added Type Alias CustomizedAcceleratorsGetResponse
  • Added Type Alias CustomizedAcceleratorsListNextResponse
  • Added Type Alias CustomizedAcceleratorsListResponse
  • Added Type Alias CustomizedAcceleratorsValidateResponse
  • Added Type Alias CustomizedAcceleratorType
  • Added Type Alias CustomizedAcceleratorValidateResultState
  • Added Type Alias CustomPersistentDiskPropertiesUnion
  • Added Type Alias DeploymentsDisableRemoteDebuggingResponse
  • Added Type Alias DeploymentsEnableRemoteDebuggingResponse
  • Added Type Alias DeploymentsGetRemoteDebuggingConfigResponse
  • Added Type Alias DevToolPortalFeatureState
  • Added Type Alias DevToolPortalProvisioningState
  • Added Type Alias DevToolPortalsCreateOrUpdateResponse
  • Added Type Alias DevToolPortalsDeleteResponse
  • Added Type Alias DevToolPortalsGetResponse
  • Added Type Alias DevToolPortalsListNextResponse
  • Added Type Alias DevToolPortalsListResponse
  • Added Type Alias GatewayCertificateVerification
  • Added Type Alias GatewayCustomDomainsCreateOrUpdateResponse
  • Added Type Alias GatewayCustomDomainsGetResponse
  • Added Type Alias GatewayCustomDomainsListNextResponse
  • Added Type Alias GatewayCustomDomainsListResponse
  • Added Type Alias GatewayProvisioningState
  • Added Type Alias GatewayRouteConfigProtocol
  • Added Type Alias GatewayRouteConfigsCreateOrUpdateResponse
  • Added Type Alias GatewayRouteConfigsGetResponse
  • Added Type Alias GatewayRouteConfigsListNextResponse
  • Added Type Alias GatewayRouteConfigsListResponse
  • Added Type Alias GatewaysCreateOrUpdateResponse
  • Added Type Alias GatewaysGetResponse
  • Added Type Alias GatewaysListEnvSecretsResponse
  • Added Type Alias GatewaysListNextResponse
  • Added Type Alias GatewaysListResponse
  • Added Type Alias GatewaysValidateDomainResponse
  • Added Type Alias GitImplementation
  • Added Type Alias HttpSchemeType
  • Added Type Alias KeyVaultCertificateAutoSync
  • Added Type Alias PowerState
  • Added Type Alias PredefinedAcceleratorProvisioningState
  • Added Type Alias PredefinedAcceleratorsGetResponse
  • Added Type Alias PredefinedAcceleratorsListNextResponse
  • Added Type Alias PredefinedAcceleratorsListResponse
  • Added Type Alias PredefinedAcceleratorState
  • Added Type Alias ProbeActionType
  • Added Type Alias ProbeActionUnion
  • Added Type Alias ServicesFlushVnetDnsSettingResponse
  • Added Type Alias ServicesListGloballyEnabledApmsResponse
  • Added Type Alias ServicesListSupportedApmTypesNextResponse
  • Added Type Alias ServicesListSupportedApmTypesResponse
  • Added Type Alias ServicesListSupportedServerVersionsNextResponse
  • Added Type Alias ServicesListSupportedServerVersionsResponse
  • Added Type Alias SessionAffinity
  • Added Type Alias StoragePropertiesUnion
  • Added Type Alias StoragesCreateOrUpdateResponse
  • Added Type Alias StoragesGetResponse
  • Added Type Alias StoragesListNextResponse
  • Added Type Alias StoragesListResponse
  • Added Type Alias StorageType
  • Added Type Alias TriggeredBuildResultProvisioningState
  • Added Type Alias Type
  • Interface AppResourceProperties has a new optional parameter customPersistentDisks
  • Interface AppResourceProperties has a new optional parameter ingressSettings
  • Interface AppResourceProperties has a new optional parameter vnetAddons
  • Interface BuildProperties has a new optional parameter apms
  • Interface BuildProperties has a new optional parameter certificates
  • Interface BuildProperties has a new optional parameter resourceRequests
  • Interface BuildResultProperties has a new optional parameter error
  • Interface BuildResultProperties has a new optional parameter image
  • Interface BuildServiceProperties has a new optional parameter containerRegistry
  • Interface BuildStageProperties has a new optional parameter exitCode
  • Interface BuildStageProperties has a new optional parameter reason
  • Interface CertificateProperties has a new optional parameter provisioningState
  • Interface ClusterResourceProperties has a new optional parameter marketplaceResource
  • Interface ClusterResourceProperties has a new optional parameter powerState
  • Interface ClusterResourceProperties has a new optional parameter vnetAddons
  • Interface ConfigurationServiceGitRepository has a new optional parameter caCertResourceId
  • Interface ConfigurationServiceGitRepository has a new optional parameter gitImplementation
  • Interface ConfigurationServiceProperties has a new optional parameter generation
  • Interface CustomDomainProperties has a new optional parameter provisioningState
  • Interface DeploymentSettings has a new optional parameter apms
  • Interface DeploymentSettings has a new optional parameter containerProbeSettings
  • Interface DeploymentSettings has a new optional parameter livenessProbe
  • Interface DeploymentSettings has a new optional parameter readinessProbe
  • Interface DeploymentSettings has a new optional parameter startupProbe
  • Interface DeploymentSettings has a new optional parameter terminationGracePeriodSeconds
  • Interface DeploymentsListForClusterOptionalParams has a new optional parameter expand
  • Interface ManagedIdentityProperties has a new optional parameter userAssignedIdentities
  • Interface NetworkProfile has a new optional parameter ingressConfig
  • Interface NetworkProfile has a new optional parameter outboundType
  • Interface TriggeredBuildResult has a new optional parameter image
  • Interface TriggeredBuildResult has a new optional parameter lastTransitionReason
  • Interface TriggeredBuildResult has a new optional parameter lastTransitionStatus
  • Interface TriggeredBuildResult has a new optional parameter lastTransitionTime
  • Interface TriggeredBuildResult has a new optional parameter provisioningState
  • Type of parameter type of interface UserSourceInfo is changed from "UploadedUserSourceInfo" | "Jar" | "Source" | "NetCoreZip" | "BuildResult" to "UploadedUserSourceInfo" | "Jar" | "War" | "Source" | "NetCoreZip" | "BuildResult" | "Container"
  • Added Enum KnownApiPortalApiTryOutEnabledState
  • Added Enum KnownApiPortalProvisioningState
  • Added Enum KnownApmProvisioningState
  • Added Enum KnownApplicationAcceleratorProvisioningState
  • Added Enum KnownApplicationLiveViewProvisioningState
  • Added Enum KnownBackendProtocol
  • Added Enum KnownCertificateResourceProvisioningState
  • Added Enum KnownConfigurationServiceGeneration
  • Added Enum KnownContainerRegistryProvisioningState
  • Added Enum KnownCustomDomainResourceProvisioningState
  • Added Enum KnownCustomizedAcceleratorProvisioningState
  • Added Enum KnownCustomizedAcceleratorType
  • Added Enum KnownCustomizedAcceleratorValidateResultState
  • Added Enum KnownDevToolPortalFeatureState
  • Added Enum KnownDevToolPortalProvisioningState
  • Added Enum KnownGatewayCertificateVerification
  • Added Enum KnownGatewayProvisioningState
  • Added Enum KnownGatewayRouteConfigProtocol
  • Added Enum KnownGitImplementation
  • Added Enum KnownHttpSchemeType
  • Added Enum KnownKeyVaultCertificateAutoSync
  • Added Enum KnownPowerState
  • Added Enum KnownPredefinedAcceleratorProvisioningState
  • Added Enum KnownPredefinedAcceleratorState
  • Added Enum KnownProbeActionType
  • Added Enum KnownSessionAffinity
  • Added Enum KnownStorageType
  • Added Enum KnownTriggeredBuildResultProvisioningState
  • Added Enum KnownType
  • Added function getContinuationToken
  • Interface DeploymentsListForClusterNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter version
  • Interface DeploymentsListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter version
  • Class AppPlatformManagementClient has a new signature
  • Type of parameter addonConfigs of interface AppResourceProperties is changed to {
    [propertyName: string]: Record<string, unknown>;
  • Type of parameter addonConfigs of interface DeploymentSettings is changed to {
    [propertyName: string]: Record<string, unknown>;

Breaking Changes

  • Type of parameter bindingParameters of interface BindingResourceProperties is changed from {
    [propertyName: string]: Record<string, unknown>;
    } to {
    [propertyName: string]: string;

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