github Azure/azure-sdk-for-js @azure/ai-text-analytics_5.1.0-beta.4

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pre-release3 years ago

5.1.0-beta.4 (2021-02-10)

  • [Breaking] beginAnalyzeHealthcare is renamed to beginAnalyzeHealthcareEntities.
  • [Breaking] beginAnalyze is renamed to beginAnalyzeBatchActions.
  • A new option to control how the offset is calculated by the service, stringIndexType, is added to analyzeSentiment, recognizeEntities, recognizePiiEntities, and beginAnalyzeHealthcareEntities. Furthermore, stringIndexType is added to task types RecognizeEntitiesAction and RecognizePiiEntitiesAction, which are the types of input actions to the beginAnalyzeBatchActions method. For more information, see the Text Analytics documentation.
  • [Breaking] The healthcare entities returned by beginAnalyzeHealthcare are now organized as a directed graph where the edges represent a certain type of healthcare relationship between the source and target entities. Edges are stored in the relatedEntities property.
  • [Breaking] The links property of HealthcareEntity is renamed to dataSources, a list of objects representing medical databases, where each object has name and entityId properties.
  • The poller for the beginAnalyzeBatchActions long-running operation gained the ability to return certain metadata information about the currently running operation (e.g., when the operation was created, will be expired, and last time it was updated, and also how many actions completed and failed so far). Also, the poller for beginAnalyzeHealthcareEntities gained a similar ability.
  • [Breaking] the words "operation" and "action" are used consistently in our names and documentation instead of "job" and "task" respectively.

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