github Azure/azure-sdk-for-js @azure/ai-text-analytics_1.0.0-preview.5

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pre-release3 years ago

1.0.0-preview.5 (2020-05-26)

  • [Breaking] Renamed all result array types that extend JavaScript's base Array class to end with the word Array instead of Collection (e.g. AnalyzeSentimentResultCollection is now AnalyzeSentimentResultArray)
  • [Breaking] Renamed score to confidenceScore in the Match, Entity, and DetectedLanguage types.
  • [Breaking] Removed the graphemeOffset and graphemeLength properties of the Match, Entity, and SentenceSentiment types.
  • [Breaking] Renamed the graphemeCount property of TextDocumentStatistics back to characterCount
  • Added a text property to SentenceSentiment that contains the sentence text
  • [Breaking] Removed the warnings property of SentenceSentiment.
  • Added warnings property to every document response object containing a list of TextAnalyticsWarning objects relevant to the corresponding document.
  • Migrated to using the Text Analytics v3.0 (General Availability) service endpoint.

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