github Azure/azure-sdk-for-js @azure/ai-text-analytics_1.0.0-preview.3

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pre-release4 years ago

1.0.0-preview.3 (2020-03-10)

  • [Breaking] Renamed id to dataSourceEntityId in the LinkedEntity type.
  • Added special handling for the string "none" as the countryHint parameter of the TextAnalyticsClient.detectLanguage. "none" is now treated the same as the empty string, and indicates that the default language detection model should be used.
  • [Breaking] Renamed offset to graphemeOffset and length to graphemeLength in fields of response objects as appropriate in order to make it clear that the offsets and lengths are in units of Unicode graphemes.
  • [Breaking] Renamed sentimentScores on both DocumentSentiment and SentenceSentiment to confidenceScores, and renamed the type SentimentScorePerLabel to SentimentConfidenceScores.
  • [Breaking] Renamed characterCount to graphemeCount in the DocumentStatistics interface, to align with the change to using grapheme in the lengths/offsets of response objects.

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